No but my gaming PC is basically just a Dota 2 machine. The day I figure out how to competitively play Dota 2 on Deck will be the day I ditch my PC.
No but my gaming PC is basically just a Dota 2 machine. The day I figure out how to competitively play Dota 2 on Deck will be the day I ditch my PC.
I did the tutorial multiple times and it is the part where it says equip the weapon that I get stuck. It just doesn’t work as they say it should. I can’t click the menu option to equip.
That doesn’t work for me and idk why. I select them, and click equip but nothing happens. Tried restarting the worlds and such but still nothing. Maybe I need to reinstall.
I played the tutorial and it’s just not working when they tell me to do it. Tried restarting it and even just making a non tutorial world but still not working. I can’t click on equip. When I do it doesn’t select the menu option but rather selects the ground underneath it or the weapon itself while deselecting the character.
Been struggling trying to get into this. It’s so complicated but really my main issue that has me at a dead halt is that I don’t know how to get my characters to equip weapons. It doesn’t work.
He’s definitely getting better which I’m happy about. The main thing that drove me nuts were the QB draws on 3rd and long. Those are less frequent.
The main thing I really need help with is getting emulation working. It’s so hard to do.
I’ve been trying it with Apex and I’m still struggling with it but then again I have to use my deck as the controller. Maybe it will take a while for me to get used to it.
Just got my OLED and am struggling to get this to run at a steady 30+fps. Can someone help a noob out here?
Saved this. Thanks!
Seems like a lot of hassle to get it done but in case I decide to go for it, it’s great to have such a detailed guide.
On a side note, have you got any similar guide on how to get emulation set up? Maybe DM me on that? Whenever I’ve tried to emulate I get very nervous especially about where to download roms from.
This is a good defense. Certain cherry picked stats don’t tell the whole story. People talk about total defense in terms of yardage and scoring or whatever and in many of those we are ranked pretty poorly. But what matters most is that this defense is holding great offensive teams to uncharacteristically low scores.
Does this run well? How do you install this?
What are some mainly mouse games that control well on deck track pads?
Proud to have joined the “packaged” crew. Now get me the hell out of here.
It’s not really unheard of is it? We’ve seen mid gen refreshes from the major companies plenty of times be at the same price as original. Even looking outside of gaming the phone industry produces upgraded products every year without price changes.
I hope they do because it would directly affect my bonus.
Logically it makes complete sense.
What makes no sense is the counter arguments prove provide such as yourself. We are talking about how to deal with one griefer in a game. And You all don’t want to implement a measure that deals with one griefer because you’re worried that this measure would be abused by 4 griefers working in unison during a match. Just think about that. Where’s the logic there? There isn’t. That makes no sense.
One person can already single handedly ruin a match so why in the world is it so unacceptable to implement a remedy out of fear that four people could ruin a match by working in unison? You realize it’s far less likely for that to happen than it is for just the one guy to grief?
There are also very easy and simple ways to mitigate that to make it even more rare and difficult did griefing to occur.
There’s no sense whatsoever in forcing 4 good gamers to suffer for the acts of one griefer because you are afraid of four griefers.
Added to my cart but says I need to join a waitlist? How do I do that?
Lothar’s Edge.