I’m pretty sure Apple has more cash than Google and people seem to find Apple more likable.
I’m pretty sure Apple has more cash than Google and people seem to find Apple more likable.
People love to shit on Apple, but they do work flow and integration between other devices in the ecosystem really really well.
I would need a bunch of random half assed apps to get anywhere near what I can do between my iPhone, Mac, AirPods, watch, and Apple TV (which is hands down the BEST streaming box you can buy)
As someone who converted from droid to iPhone, they need to completely revamp how they (android phone makers) do updates. Most of the time, Google makes a new version of android, and the Pixel phones get that.
For Samsung, they take it, add Samsung bloat and a UI reskin, then it’s handed to your carrier that adds more bloat. This pushes your software and security update out by months.
With my iPhone, it can be locked or unlocked, and when Apple releases the latest security/minor update/ major OS update, I get it the day they say they’re going to release it.
And androids need to just work like iPhones do.
It is the exact same deck but with internal upgrades, basically like an LCI BMW. They make some interior and exterior changes, but for the most part it is the same car.
I have a Unifi system and my Nest doorbell loads instantly. I have a new model though and it’s wired.
So Mercedes uses the Citroen system?