True and i still have no idea why they would get rid of that. Like 2020 Valve made 120 Million profit with the Battle Pass on top of the 40 they had for TI. This is enough to develop like 3 AAA Games.
What happened to Artifact was tragic and 100% Valves fault, but what Valve did to Underlords was even worse.
They released a roadmap, the game still had tens of thousands of players on Steam and had like 3 million downloads on Mobile and then Valve just straight up refused to communicate and the game never got updated again. Imagine a company like EA, Ubisoft, Blizzard or whoever would have pulled that off.
Its just especially bad lately.
No wonder that Mid turned from the most popular role by far to a role nobody wants to play anymore these days. Its fast free MMR for Smurfs and Boosters which are in like almost all games these days.
Its region depends and maybe even rank. In EUW in Divine/Immortal i cant play one game without a level 30 account.
Depends on if its PvP or PvE. If it’s PvP again where its just about winning and playing the most broken stuff im out.
I play both games and all i can say is that both games can be fun. A game doesn’t need to be super complicated to be enjoyable. But while i watch TI i have yet to watch a single full series in League. Its just so boring to watch that Riot balances the game around playmaker Champs before Worlds every year. But in the end any game is fun when you play it with friends.
Whats funny is that when Valve said they get rid of Battle Pass to focus on content not a single one of my friends or i talked with about that believed that Valve will now actually release more and faster content 🤣
I kinda have the feeling that Valve already stopped their plans of releasing “new content and big patches quickly”.
I mean New Frontiers is already 7 months old and TI event was a joke.
It’s kinda sad that this dude is 32 and still makes “your sister” jokes. Guess this is doing nothing but playing videogames for past 15+ years do to you. Zero mental growth.
Unable to accept that he is the issue
No success in competitive even tho he has been trying for like 10 years
0 mental grow in past 10 years
32 years old men child
Must be Mason
Rumors have it that a lot of Dota devs are currently helping out polishing Neon Prime so there is probably nobody to fix it. Apparently, Valve wants to announce the game this month.
You literally just have to click on the link to know you 🤡
Leak: Ceb will replace an OG member shortly before TI. But pssht…
Everyone knew it but that final was boring af
Maybe, but every other company on this planet would have either opened a separate office for these things or find a publisher that takes care of it. Valve prefers letting things die.