The numbers on the fridge at your moms house
The numbers on the fridge at your moms house
Its not delusion if its possible. Season aint over yet. LFG! Bills for life. Sweeping the rest of the season
Just gotta let it go and look forward to KC. No sense in picking it to death. Why couldnt Cook catch and easy TD. Why couldnt sherfield run the right route for a TD. Why didnt Bass hot at least one of two missed fgs, why couldnt Josh and Gabe connect for and open TD. Had they turned the ball over with 20 seconds and the eagles kick the fg to end the game everyone would be saying why the fuck didnt he just take the knee and go into OT when the weather is terrible. Its an L, we cant change it. Youll feel better when we embarrass KC and beat the cowboys in a few weeks. You wont even care about this game
Thats good. Its ok to be sad too. But just dont give up hope til its time to look forward to next year. That hasnt happened yet. The Eagles are the best team right now and we played them better than anyone all season. I think we run the table the rest of the way.
Putting up 30+ against 2 tough Ds in a row is a great sign. If Allen and Gabe connect on the walk off TD everyone would be talking about this game totally different. After this game im actually confident they gonna win the rest of their games.
Thats it. The season is done when we are officially out. Til that happens, anything can happen. When its over however it ends ill pack my things and wait til next year, til then though im always gonna have faith.
Id save this letter for when the team is eliminated from contention. Seasons not over.
Whats crazy is, with Dorsey they werent even trying to run the ball seriously. Most of those yards cook got was making the best out of taking shotgun draws and doing what he could out of it. And he has one game with like 4 or 5 carries with -5 yards cause they quit on the run altogether. If they legit tried to run the ball seriously from the beginning of the year, my man would be leading the league easy.
I love the buffalo on the 50
Sucks for Cincy
Theres still 7 games. No one has guaranteed wins. Teams still gotta go out there and earn them. No one is undefeatable. We all know this team can ball out. We’ve seen them do it. In this league anything can happen in the next few weeks. Injuries, and the bounce of the ball can make or break anyone. Every game is a new slate. People can give up now, thats fine, but for me until they are eliminated officially, the season aint over. What happens if they win the next 6 out of 7 and we make the post season? Everyone gonna run and jump back on the wagon? Idgaf what the toughness of schedule is. You gonna have to play the best team left in the superbowl if you make it that far anyway. None of those teams have a W on us yet. I doubt Cincy is crying about their season being over. Circle the fuckin wagons til we’re officially done
Damn, why even put this energy out into the universe? That would be fuckin horrible
“Dorseys system would have gotten them to the superbowl with a better QB” lol
This made me laugh lol
Theyre jeckle and hide just like the Bills. You dont know whos gonna show up.
Me too. Would be great to see the guy squirm. Hes a straight up hater lol. He thinks hes objective but he never is. The possibility is there and i think it happens. People are gonna be talking different after the next couple games. I think we win out as unlikely as it sounds