tee ball tournament
I love that comparison lmao.
tee ball tournament
I love that comparison lmao.
I doubt it.
NA server here.
I maybe see 1 person a month on average refuse to play their role. WAY less than I used to. Maybe it’s the rank, idk.
Also, I only have ~2 minute queue times and my preferred roles are typically mid & top
You know what I hate? Fiddle and Samira. If a champ gets multiple pentas in every game, something needs to change dammit. I played Sam for the first time in an ARAM game and got a penta. I literally read her abilities at the beginning of the match.
Ask to swap pick order so you don’t get countered instead of screwing over & tilting a teammate
Such a useless comment…
Username checks out btw
A circle permanently floating around Rakan when his E is up? Lol no thanks. And yes im a rakan main for what it’s worth.
An ability that interacts with teammates… Where would the line for that end? Senna Q, orianna E?, alistar passive, sivir R, ornn passive, Katarina E, Lee E, nilah E, kalista R, zil abilities, Annie E, Morgana E …
How many circles should be on the screen?
If your team is shit, that means so are your enemies. Maybe you need to study how to best take advantage of an early lead. Low elo players don’t know how to snowball leads. They’ll get a kill and recall instead of taking an objective. Get baron & go back to farming instead of pushing lanes. Learn how to gain tempo priority & map control, and how to never let it go. Play champs that don’t heavily rely on a teammate. That scale well. That allow you to control a game.
Soraka is easy support, and you’ll always be useful. Rakan is a fun engage supp with lots of mobility, so any mispositioning errors is more forgivable