Why should anyone waste their time convincing you? What is there to gain? Fuck off and like whoever you want.
Honestly at this point just use a fucking madden playbook. We need to scrap every single pass play we had. Those routes were atrocious. No drags, no slants, all wrs bunched up on one side.
I like it, however the matchups leave a lot to be desired. Football in general has been pretty lackluster the last few years though honestly
Bryce = Peasant
CJ = King
Bryce = Peasant
CJ = King
Thank God for fantasy football and redzone
Easily Assassins Creed Valhalla. You constantly have to travel through multiple countries, and back to report. That shit took me 240 hours WITH fast travel
What the fuck is this? Hell no, get the fuck off my lawn you damn kids!
Have you seen his deopbacks and throwing motions? Young looks like an old man out there slow as fuck
Andy should have been the starter all year. Throwing the undersized rookie out there with no o line, no wrs, and a new coaching staff was dumb as hell. Stroud is the outlier. I agree it’s time to bench young. We have no 1st to tank for. Young has looked awful. The only negative I see is Dalton potentially saving the coaching staff and gm if he does play decent.
I’m so sick of the narrative that stroud has a “superior supporting cast”
Nico Collins, Rookie Tank Dell, Noah brown
No one. NO ONE in the off-season thought this wr Corp was good or even serviceable. Many were in agreement it was one of the worst in the league along with the panthers.
When stroud was drafted, it was pretty much unanimous that they have something to look forward to and build on, but this year will be tough for them.
Stroud has elevated everyone around him. That’s what a great qb does. He proved it in college and he keeps proving it in the NFL.
Yes, coaching has alot to do with his success vs Bryce, but this narrative that stroud has better talent around him is bullshit and needs to stop. He has made them better. Something Bryce Young has not done.
I hope we get absolutely humiliated. Only way to fix this team is a complete tear down, and that only happens if we continue looking like dog shit.
Right? Anyone still supporting this team is broken beyond repair.
This team has broken me down so much that I was excited for the cardinals to have kyler Murray back yesterday and was happy to watch them get a last second win
Redzone on the TV, panthers on the laptop