I was thinking Hunie Pop, but to each their own. Also, might as well get the sequel: Sex With Hitler 2.
I am NOT sending you my Deck pics, solicited or not!
This is a bit of a deviation, but the 3D remakes of some of the early Final Fantasy games (3 and 4 I think we’re the only ones).
Sonic. The third dimension just couldn’t keep up with his speed.
It looks fine… for a game made in 2006.
They should seriously put the names of the games they’re using to sell the deck. This is at least the third post I’ve seen of just this game.
IIRC, I don’t think anyone was SUGGESTING going to an hourly pay system. I think they were just saying a games VALUE can be measured in price per hours of entertainment. I understand the knee-jerk reaction considering we’re talking about some of the greediest assholes on the planet, but I also want to live in reality.
I’m not positive, but it looks like the critically acclaimed Rectal Rangers. Great game, but surprisingly short.
… I’ll see myself out now… M
It is a crying fucking shame this game was canceled. I hope Konami slips and fall on their pachinko balls…
This is actually fascinating.