You’re welcome! Glad it helped and can finally enjoy your games
You’re welcome! Glad it helped and can finally enjoy your games
Performance is good to me, about 50ish FPS if I’m remembering (currently playing through Witcher 3 dlc)
I am going to post screenshots of the differences that I am seeing.
Cyberpunk looks great
Firewatch, short game about 4.1 hours to complete. It’s a walking simulator that walks you through a pretty decent story. Highly recommend
Yeah there are multiple versions. If you go to the page for the steam decks you will see the 512gb and 1TB. If you scroll down more you will see “Available in limited quantities in the U.S. and Canada Limited Edition… and the button in orange saying Available Now!
Click it and it will take you to the limited edition purchase page
Not sure why no one is mentioning this. If you really want the LE, return the one you got and go order an LE they are still in stock.
The Wifi6E was the tipping point for me, I intend to have this docked in my living room and can’t be bothered to run an Ethernet cord to it. Just need to find a way to position my router closer so that I get a consistent connection since the range for 6GHz is rather ass lol
You guys need to seriously stop overloading these champions. It’s terribly destroying the integrity of the game when 75% of the cast have basic kits that legit just do not compete with your guys latest releases.
Resident Evil: Remake
I never said there weren’t any champs that weren’t overloaded. The majority of champs that were released were released with weaknesses. And even then, overloaded then looks like nothing compared to now.
I’ve been saying it since I came back at the beginning of the year.
Riot has had an obsession with creating and remaking champions into champs that do not have drawbacks unlike what they did back in the old days. Champions were meant to be skilled at a few things but then have major drawbacks else where.
Example would be like Yone, dude has great mobility, safe poke, multiple AoE knock ups. A shield, and a double damage ability. This champ would not have been created 5 years ago because it’s overloaded.
Another example is Ksante. Again, multiple knock ups in a skirmish, works as an AoE knock up in short burst. True damage (why) on passive, two abilities that function as dashes, an ult that displaces him and the enemy to create a 1v1 situation and converts his tanks stats to offensive stats.
Again another overloaded kit.
Briar, stun + auto reset, built in Tiamat plus execute damage modifier, AOE displacement with 40% damage reduction and a heal per .25 seconds. Near global ultimate that fears enemies and dishing a lot of damage on landing while gaining additional tank stats. Her W also works as a dash over obstacles so insane mobility and clear speed in the jungle.
Champions from 5-10 years ago, did not get this benefit. Today’s champions are designed to pull more users into the game. Champions designed before were designed for the health of the game. Champs like velkoz would not be complained about much if riot continued to give a damn about the health of the game.
If riot keeps nerfing jungle then people are going to constantly be hesitant to move to the role.