• 3 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 19th, 2022


  • It’s funny how the author is complaining about the incentive for companies to become monopolies under capitalism, and leaves it up to another corporation to lobby for a change. And that voting democrat will help prevent the monopoly too.

    Direct and collective action might be better. Such as gathering the tenants together and everyone agreeing not to pay the internet service provision that was forced on them. That would pressure the landlord to not make a deal like that again.

  • Some instructions I’ve read for dual booting recommend installing Linux first, removing the SSD wit Linux on it from the computer, and then install Windows to prevent that from happening.

    It’s really shitty that users have to go through all that trouble, though.

  • “What could Bernie be doing differently, that would actually be effective?”

    Unfortunately it’s not about Bernie doing something differently. The incremental changes cannot only be made at the ballot box or with candidates. It has to be made within the population at large.

    Social movements through collective organizing can bring change. Unfortunately the capitalist state knows this as well and that’s why any attempts to organize are stamped out quickly through violence, media campaigns to discredit, or various other means.

  • I’m glad to see some actual numbers. I am curious how quickly that is changing. I was a social worker for ten years until the last few months, and I would help people find housing all the time. It feels like there used to be more “mom and pop” landlords when I first started compared to now. Now I see this corporate players for the majority of rental listings.

  • When I did some research on hardware keys I was between Yubikey and Nitrokey. I ended up going with Yubikey because KeepassXC supported it.

    Something to keep in mind is purchasing a backup key. I bought one for my wife and we use each other’s as a backup.

    For KeepassXC it does not support registering multiple keys (at least not that I have figured out), so I have a copy of my database where it uses my wife’s key as a backup.

  • That’s really what I use the terminal for too. GUI stores still tend to feel very slow to install things. If I know the package name it’s much faster to just type the command in a terminal.

    Same for making simple modifications to config files. ‘Sudo nano filename’, make the tweak, save and exit.