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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • Sorry, but you don’t get to claim groupthink while ignoring state of Apache when Nginx got released.

    Apache was a mess of modules with confusing documentation, an arsenal of foot guns, and generally a PITA to deal with. Nginx was simpler, more performant, and didn’t have the extra complexity that Apache was failing to manage.

    My personal first encounter was about hosting PHP applications in a multiuser environment, and god damn was nginx a better tool.

    Apache caught up in a few years, but by then people were already solving different problems. Would nginx arrive merely a year later, it would get lost to history, but it arrived exactly when everyone was fed up with Apache just the right amount.

    Nowadays, when people choose a web server, they choose one they are comfortable with. With both httpds being mature, that’s the strongest objective factor to influence the choice. It’s not groupthink, it’s a consequence of concrete events.

  • Moreover, “deep work” is a bullshit claim. Working solo long sessions without communicating is not an indication of… anything, really. The moment “deep work” becomes a trend, some idiot will start measuring it, making it yet another counterproductive way to torture people.

    Measure business outcomes and implement changes that don’t fall victims to Goodhart’s law. If a director can think of a way to game a measure, workers will think of ten.

  • Atheist is a non-believer. Prefix “a-“ means absence. Every human is an atheist unless they believe in every god. The word was first used in relation to Christians.

    Anti-theist is someone opposed to religion or belief in supernatural. “Anti” means “opposed / opposite to”.

    Agnostic is a bullshit cop-out term that at some point in a Christian discourse briefly meant “someone who considers supernatural to not be knowable”, but doesn’t have a proper meaning nowadays. It has a transactional role in conversation - it most often relays unwillingness to continue the conversation on religion.

    A “definite belief that there is no god” would be “gnostic atheist” in proper terms. I.e. “god is knowable and he’s absent”. But those proper terms were barely ever alive. Instead, people dance around topic of religion as if it didn’t enjoy enough fucking dances for millennia past.