I always play Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 4 on PCSX2. Runs great and looks amazing
I always play Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 4 on PCSX2. Runs great and looks amazing
I only use a case either out and about or in my bed to use the kick stand since I also use it to watch YouTube. I put a transparent shell on it because I thought it looked nice and I wanted a reason to take it apart. I do love the look of the base Deck tho, great design, feel, etc.
I mostly stream PC games to my Deck then play Emulators or lighter games on the actual system so I’m streaming New Horizon Zero Dawn and then I am playing Super Mario Wonder (I did pirate it at first but I loved it so much I did buy the physical version)
Also I should have specified my PC was £2k and I went for AMD because I definitely can’t afford a Nividia card and AMD cards are pretty good too imo. Haven’t had any problems yet :)
That’s understandable, I recently bought a Modcase for a powerbank and it is amazing
The Steam Deck was technically my first PC, I just loved the portability and thought the performance would be enough but I’m someone who likes tinkering with games and putting mods on, emulators, etc. I’m also studying engineering so having something for CAD software is pretty handy
I know obviously £2k isn’t “top spec” but to a student who makes like 100 quid a week and the most powerful gaming device he has before a Steam Deck and the PC was a Switch, damn it does feel top spec.
The Steam Deck was technically my first gaming PC. I just finished building my first PC about a month ago and I love both a lot but it is situational for me. I’ll play more storage heavy games on the PC then play Emulators or lighter games on my Steam Deck but I do love being able to sit in the living room with the family and still play games but I also love playing games with the boys online