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Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Sterile_Technique@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlChoice
    4 days ago

    …and a swan-dive into fascism is preferable to that because…?

    Our political model is janky as fuck. I don’t need to explain the pitfalls of a two-party system to you - I already know you fucking hate it or you wouldn’t be eyeing a 3rd in the first place. I hate it too. But a two party system is what we have, which means you have three options:

    • Red (fascism)

    • Blue (not fascism)

    • Let the other voters choose Red or Blue for you (abstain or vote 3rd).


    Which of those options will do the best job of accomplishing YOUR goals?

    What even are your goals? 3rd party as POTUS? You gotta lay the groundwork first. 2016 was the perfect stage for a 3rd party victory within our current model: we had an absolutely hated candidate running on both of the big two; a voterbase just as sick of the status quo as they are now; a Libertarian with a genuinely likable personality, some solid policy stances, and who managed to shift the “crazy” that Libertarians were reputed for to an honestly charming variety of “quirky”, and a surprisingly steady stream of coverage by the media. We will never see better conditions for a 3rd victory in our current model.

    So how did the Libertarians do with that perfect storm? 3%. They got fucking 3% of the vote. How do those conditions compare to today’s? Red is running that same hated sack of shit Trump; but Blue couldn’t find a candidate hated as much as Hillary if they tried to - to the contrary, Harris is churning up optimism like I’ve never seen before. The die-hard Reds and Blues aren’t going to change their votes over that, but the folks in the middle are going to be far less inclined to vote 3rd than they were in 2016. 3rds have gotten pretty much zero media attention this time around. They literally do not stand a chance to beat even 2016’s 3%, let alone enough to actually win.

    Your only way to the top is to change the political model into one that’s more favorable to you; and the easiest way to do that is to keep not-fascism in power long enough to get the general population pissed off enough about not having ranked choice that it starts making its way into bigger and bigger elections. Your next-easiest path to victory is insurrection… that most likely both fail and get yourself killed, so please don’t do that. Your least-easy path to victory is to allow fascism to take root, as that will push the model even further away from your reach: if that happens it’s game over for everyone except the fascists.

    If you see a different option that’ll lead to a 3rd victory in our current model, I’m all ears; but if not, you still need to set the stage with favorable conditions, to include preventing the stage from being burned to the ground.

  • Sterile_Technique@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlChoice
    4 days ago

    The Dems will preserve a political model that’s at least malleable. 3rds will need to work together to push ranked choice more and more into voters’ field of view.

    Republicans will swan-dive into fascism, in which case 3rds (and everyone else) are fucked.

    Dems aren’t going to help 3rds directly, but any one who wants the possibility of a 3rd party victory later is committing political suicide by failing to vote blue as a means of buying time. Voting 3rd when that 3rd has no potential for victory is self-destructive.

  • I think that’s maybe a bit harsh compared to a lot of the games mentioned here.

    For sure - by “looking at it through the lens of relativity” I guess I failed to specify what I was holding it relative to - where my brain’s at W1 as a starting point, and the quality of W2 and W3… Relative to other trilogies that actually did well, Witcher’s starting point is hot trash. Like, a game that bad doesn’t generally go on to have good sequels, but the degree of improvement in both W2 and W3 is fucking astounding.

  • Fairly successful strategy I’ve been using lately is to out-crazy the red team and feed em their own medicine. No one here needs to be told the libertarian party is just Far Right Lite™, but do you know their selling points? Cuz there is no chance in HELL I’ll be able to convince a Trumpanzee to vote for Biden, but I have been able to steer a handful of votes away from Trump and toward Chase Oliver - usually goes down like this: MAGAt will open the conversation by bitching about someone on the blue team - such as Hillary and her emails. I’ll AGREE with them, but lump her and Trump into the same category… “Idk how they get away with sending classified data on a private email server or printing it out and hauling boxes of it to their private residence. If I did hundredth of the crime Trump or Hillary committed, I’d spend the rest of my life in jail!”. Bitch about how both parties are doing the bare minimum just to stay in power etc; then start pitching 3rd as an alternative option.

    ‘Both sides’ em, and change their vote to “not trump” by pitching whichever 3rd most closely aligns with their impressionability (which is pretty much always the LP). Put the spoiler effect to good use.

    And be weary of folks doing the same to you, especially here on Lemmy with all the ‘genocide Joe’ shit or encouraging apathy because of the shit debate.

  • I guess let’s pick apart each one:

    Ocean water - idk how the release would play out, but I’m picturing an opening big enough for a person to fit through, like a manhole, releasing as a stream. While a lot, I don’t think that’d be near enough to cause a hydroplaning situation, but it’d DEFINITELY get them off my ass, so win. Assuming the highest potential for harm here, all 3m³ released at the same time, yeah that could fuck up their trajectory in a way that sends them upsided down into a ditch… but if they’re tailgating, they’re already putting my safety in jeopardy, so they’ve crossed the line into me not caring if the solution does the same to theirs. Closest thing I’ve done IRL was spotting a piece of debris (chunk of a bumper or something from another car) on the road ahead while being tailgated, and I waited until the VERY last second to dodge it - the dude tailgating didn’t have time to react, so he drove right into it. Made a really satisfying crunch, and he pulled over presumably to check for damages. Lost sight of him shortly after, since I just kept going. Could it have hurt or even killed him? Yeah, if he turned sharp and started rolling or something. Could his driving habits have seriously hurt or killed me? Also yes, so fuck him: my goal is to get him off my ass, not baby him.

    Locust - Not seeing the potential for harm here. The religious nuts would be on high alert watching for fireballs coming down from the sky or rivers to turn to blood; but locusts are just big grasshoppers - not like they’re going to start hunting people down. Seeing that hysteria unfold would be great fun!

    Hornets - Kinda same spiel as the driving bit. You’ve probably seen that response to the paradox of tolerance, if not clicky. We’re talking about a group of people whose goal it is to harm/kill me, my family, my neighbors, etc. And since that’s the case, I don’t owe them protection from harm. Hornet it up.

  • Sterile_Technique@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    8 months ago


    Using a broken bone can fuck it up BAD; but bones also develop along stress patterns - the spongy interior of a bone (cancellous) actually has a pattern to it that develops by normal usage and aligns with stress points.

    Whether rest or stress is what your bone needs right depends on your personal physiology and the current state of its injury/recovery. Your discharge instructions should have crystal clear do’s and don’ts, but if you’re unclear about anything, you need to consult the folks who understand what’s going on with this specific injury.

    I would err on the side of rest in the mean time, but seriously ASK YOU DOC.