The regen aura sources like Healing ward, Voodoo restoration, etc. Guardian greaves would be such a busted must buy item.
The regen aura sources like Healing ward, Voodoo restoration, etc. Guardian greaves would be such a busted must buy item.
Wdym only 51% wr. 51% wr with 26% pickrate is amazing.
It’s almost always Chen with the “interesting” builds.
I remember that hero with the broken ability granting 20 seconds of magic immunity or was it just a nightmare?
It’s the same for SEA servers. Every sea server I try gets stuck on Finding Server.
How do you make OD work. He doesn’t seem to be really great this patch.
Yeah but the shard doesn’t make the hero worse which is what OP was asking.
Its not only a good shard but it is a must buy right now as weaver core.
So what happened in the game. Did he become confidence?
Yeah after all that we’ve been through with the unkillable un-cc-able status resistance strength heroes I can’t believe some people want to go back to that awful phase
They could be playing a different draft and the outcome would be the same. Team spirit is just a better team. Just watch their performances throughout this TI.
Oh ffs I don’t care who wins but I hope we don’t get this type of match in the Finals.
Looks like the only way AR can win this is if GG do a rosh torrent throw again. Anyway Spirit is going to win this TI again if either of those two make it to finals.
I’m worried for GG. Quinn can’t handle stress very well and after that big blunder in the last game it’s going to really mess with their heads.
This all went to shit because of one silly mistake they made in the roshpit. Oof.
What a silly mistake. GG what the f.
Any hero with a skillshot or vector targeted spell or mobility spell or reposition spell.
Two desos against a butterfly spectre oof. It’s time for tusk aghs.
Not to mention the unbalanced chaos it will unleash since many carries get fucked alot when their passives are broken.