As someone who mains both of these when I play support I am really surprised by the number of posts, threads, memes, etc. and people just crying about the greenade recently.

We can all agree that it is probably the best cooldown in the game or at least the most impactful in 5vs5, whoever the fact that there is a character with a cooldown that negates the grenade and also as a bonus has another cooldown to teleport to a teammate (which in this case will probably be the tank) and just Suzu them back really just makes the usage and timing of the cooldown a skill on its own and is much harder to use effectively than people are willing to give credit for. Like I myself make stupid nade plays all the time and other Ana players waste them too, like a good nade can turn the tides of the fight but those are much rarer than people act in your regular non GM/Top 500 match

A Kiriko with good cooldown management will absolutely make your life miserable as Ana (I would honestly just mirror them at that point) and then on top of that if the opposite team has some good dive heroes and you are playing with your standard randoms Ana becomes unplayable at that point because you basically have to have at least one of the cooldowns ready to go to use it for yourself (do people forget Ana has 0 mobility, unlike most other supports?)

When I play Kiri and the other team has Ana I try my best to stay near the tank, wait until we bait the sleep and use Suzu when the nade is used. Of course, sometimes the other team has pressured us better so I am not able to do it consistently in a match and save the tank but at that point, they are just playing better, it’s not really just ‘Ana op!!!1’’

So if the hero has a direct counter to her cooldown with another cooldown, lacks mobility and can be easily killed in a 1vs1 by a dive dps and other supports as well, why are people still sooo upset about this over anything else in the game right now?

  • SwordofKhaine123B
    10 months ago

    is this a troll post? I can’t tell. A proactive ability will always, always be superior than a reactive ability.

    “When I play Kiri and the other team has Ana I try my best to stay near the tank”

    Everyone is not you. Stop projecting. Most kirikos flank to dps. Most supports nowadays don’t babysit tanks, this is season 1 or quickplay.

    “it’s not really just ‘Ana op!!!1’'”

    It is, her single 10 second cooldown ability is far stronger than Junkerqueen’s ultimate, and Junkerqueen has to sucide dive across the enemy team and risk dying, can be stopped with hook, stuns, etc. Ana can sit in her bich-hole and spam anti-healing grenade every 10 seconds.

    Let me repeat: a single 10 second ability which can be spammed 6 times every minute, and sleep will be cycled between targeting the tank is far better than most ultimates in the game. 80% of the tanks are useless in a lobby with Ana. You can’t even have fun with tanks in fking quickplay without supports instantly swapping to Ana and ruining the match.

  • GeezerCatapultB
    10 months ago

    Don’t hate me for saying this but it is far easier to get consistent value out of Ana than it is Kiriko. Overbuff isn’t the most reliable source but her winrate is a testament to this. Secondly, Ana has a stronger and more impactful kit that has no counterplay whatsoever besides suzu, which is on a longer cooldown than anti. Ana makes it harder for Kiriko to maximize her own value because she has to prioritize spending her most valuable cooldown on anti or sleep instead of using suzu on herself when she is off angling to get kills. Like you said, you stay near the tank and wait for cooldowns just so you can suzu and prevent (usually certain) deaths when you could be doing more productive things.

    I’m not sure why Ana players seem to deflect all criticisms about how loaded her kit is on Kiriko when it is Ana that is almost singlehandedly gatekeeping a lot of tanks viability (when it comes to the support role). The whataboutism is kind of crazy among the ana community.

  • DarkVenusaurB
    10 months ago

    You shouldn’t have to automatically swap to Kiriko just because of the enemy playing Ana. Required swaps to hard counters are dumb.

    How to fix OW is to only allow tanks to use CC at all and remove discord/damage boosting abilities and anti healing from supports (Ana can keep nano as an ult though).

    Kiriko fits this new definition perfectly and is a very well designed hero that is way less frustrating to play against because she only provides positive effects for your team (How support heroes should be in the first place).

  • HolstaurGirlAliceB
    10 months ago

    She is also a problem but there’s a big difference between Instant deletion of tanks and a second of invulnerability.

    Bap Kiriko and Ana are the trio of BS support.

    I’d add illari because she’s basically a dps with a heal bot but she doesn’t destroy the game XD

  • browsersinsidestoryB
    10 months ago

    Because people are allergic to positioning better and using natural cover when purple

  • LeeUnDeB
    10 months ago

    Here is a fun and interactive character idea. A dps that deals 500dps with its primary. To balance this obviously op character we are gonna give him a op counter dps thats gonna take only 1% dmg from his attacks. And to make sure this is all balanced we are gonna create every character around the possibility of them being countered by this.

    Sarcasm aside ow has this trend of giving a change that doesnt work, finding something that DOES work and forgetting to revert the other change. I feel that if ana gets nerfed we are gonna have a ton of issues that used to be solved with ana.