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Cake day: 2023年6月14日

  • Yes and by contrast Microsoft has been enshittifying the hell out of Windows in order to extract more and more money out of the corporations they have contracts with. They force everyone to use Teams, Azure, OneDrive, and Office 365 so that they achieve total lock-in and ratchet up the cost of the support contracts.

    Microsoft is basically following the same playbook IBM pioneered in the enterprise: use a slick sales team to get your hooks into into the CEO, CIO, and other senior VPs in charge of IT in order to force all their crap onto the company by top-down fiat rather than bottom-up informed decision making.

  • I think the people that have the most to fear from ChatGPT are at Google’s search team. Young people are turning more and more to ChatGPT because Google search results have gotten so bad.

    Teachers should be responding to all this by giving kids more time to read books in class. No tech policies at schools are also a big help. With no phones, laptops, or iPads in schools, kids will he forced to talk to and engage with their peers instead of scrolling social media.

    The one thing I’m really afraid of is that kids will lose the ability to write without technological help. Perhaps teachers need to move to more in-class, pencil-and-paper writing assignments instead of essays at home.

  • I tutor high school kids during the school year. They’re already ahead of this. They love asking ChatGPT for help on their homework. They’d rather get an AI to explain it to them than ask their teacher. They like that they can just keep asking as many questions about details as they want. They like that ChatGPT will not only give them general information but also tell them step by step how to do different kinds of projects.

    Many of them have also lost a lot of respect for their teachers. They see the gaps in their teachers’ knowledge and they get extremely frustrated when a teacher penalizes their grades for not doing things exactly the way the teacher wants. This latter thing has been an annoyance for students since time immemorial but now they have more access than ever to outside opinions from resources like ChatGPT and other teachers’ lessons on YouTube.

    As for hallucinations? These kids aren’t phased by them. They’re already used to their teachers telling them the wrong thing quite often. They probably trust the AI more than the teachers at this point!

  • To put this into better perspective we need to look at this relative to the number of employees. From the article:

    Tesco warehouse in Rugeley, near Birmingham, recorded only eight ambulance callouts in three years versus the 115 logged at a nearby Amazon site. Both warehouses employed large numbers of workers at the time – 1,300 at Tesco’s site and around 1,800 at Amazon’s.

    So 6.15 calls / 1000 employees for Tesco vs 63 calls / 1000 employees for Amazon, or just over 10 times the rate.

    I wonder what the differences are. Do Amazon force them to work a lot longer hours? Do they not provide air conditioning whereas Tesco do? Those two factors could make a huge difference.

  • Can you do one of these for Windows 3.1 or 95? That would be sweet!

    Honestly, I hate steam (the client) so much. I have a fair sized library of games that I never play because it’s just torture to me to start that abomination of a program. Why the fuck couldn’t they give it a simple, clean, elegant, native UI that doesn’t treat my battery with wanton disrespect?