The inspector? He’s FRENCH
The inspector? He’s FRENCH
That’s kinda rude
How do you pronounce it wrong
I clicked trying to find out what it was that you missed the most in books that Shogun gave you but you don’t seem to say
The movie sucked and the author wrote another pulp history fiction with accidental legend of zelda content he googled by mistake
The movie sucked and the author wrote another pulp history fiction with accidental legend of zelda content he googled by mistake
Mosquito Land. I rated it 3 but after continuing to stew on how bad it was I went back and edited my rating to 1 which is the only time I’ve ever done that
Mosquito Land. I rated it 3 but after continuing to stew on how bad it was I went back and edited my rating to 1 which is the only time I’ve ever done that
If you can find a pdf of a page or preview of the book that’ll give you an idea.
Malazan books. I read the first three and burned out. Amazing Storia but they see told in such an arcane way that it’s like pushing through thick undergrowth to read a page
I had a professor who swore by the book A History of Salt, although I never read it.