Hayes having a game!
Hayes having a game!
Christie was stuck to Irving like a bad tweet
Yes and no. He’s a young unselfish player that listens. He’s got a good head on his shoulders. He’s an LA Laker and is wanting to fill a roll. He doesn’t have the ego of a Ja but I can see him being more of a young Curry sniper with more confidence. Also, he’ll put on more muscle.
LeBull havin a game tonight
LeBull havin a game tonight
Hope Prince breaks out of the slump
Hope Prince breaks out of the slump
This right here. Signs on the gym doors said “non marking soles only”. The janitors were pissed and weren’t going to take it anymore. They threatened unionizing but the signs helped calmed them down. They formed a grass roots movement and wrote letters to the manufacturers lobbying for special gym shoes which employed an “eraser” sole. R&D got ahold of it, the rest is bs.
I love it. Especially not being able to finesse the brakes at a complete stop or when pulling up behind someone who stopped too long and has to pull forward another 8 feet leaving a car gap in between us. It’s the best.
Upvoted for liking the dial!
Ooh was hoping for fro but we got braids, anyway let’s hope for the best.
LFG Lake Show!
I don’t care what the facts say, Anthony Davis with the fro, stays!
Cam’s the man
LFG Lake Show!
Halftime show: Suits, sneakers, shuffling around like they gotta go to the bathroom.