i see it now fine! lovely art!
i see it now fine! lovely art!
I’m loving your omnic series!
highly educational and enlightening. thank you.
the wikipedia is the only way as afar as i know (but not in-game, so i’m not answering your question in the slightest)
filtering by unowned might be the best way, but some exclusive ones still might not pop up there
I still only see him on Ilios and Lijiang, just vibing and hooking ppl off the map, so idk yet lol
eyyyy kinda fire
EY! I found a reaper concept similar to what you said! It’s by the same artist as the tracer one (effektdmentality). there are a few others they made so i’ll just link them below!
on another note, if you wanted more of that white and red, you could kinda merge the Archangel concept with this Assassins Creed concept by 3OK
so we have…
is that all for Starcraft skins? if they follow suite like diablo, we’re probably gonna get more if we only have those 5. (although i guess we only have around 4 warcraft ones too)
those would be perfect. (also… happy illari and ground lover pharah… you are on the next level stuff)
that’s fair! (although apparently, according to the wiki, zarya is now part of overwatch after the Toronto mission, but i don’t have a full source on that. so at the least she may now be more like pharah/dva was, if not fully on the team).
but yeah, sym definitely would be more of an artsy freedom fighter (aka lucio) in a mirror universe, you’re right.
it is in my books! :) it’s my answer at least haha
haha i’ll pass that on to the 14 artists (i think they’re amazing! i hope they get pulled on as freelance artists someday at least!)
yeah the artist made the skin back in 2017, when blizzard was still designing null sector (i think?). but somehow they tapped into the null aesthetic perfectly!
and i’d love a good moira too!
we have a null sector orisa skin, but we could use some more for sure
after the diablo event, maybe we’ll get a starcraft event and more blizzard crossovers? not for the mirror universe season though. but until then:
Cthulhu Zenyatta out here heralding in the eldritch horrors theme
an evil (or morally grey) mei would be amazinggg!!! and what you said makes sense psychologically. it works lore-wise for her to feel abandoned, see her dead friends that were left to die, and for her personality to go more dark because of that.
There are nice people, but they’re usually quiet, or have chat turned off to not read/listen to the jerks. The rude people are the loudest. I’d say 1/5 are jerks, 1/5 are nice and vocal, 1/5 are nice and quiet, and 2/5 are neutral and just playing the game. And rarely there are jerks who realize they were jerks and apologize halfway through the game (which I respect).
I’m sad that you haven’t had any nice/vocal people stick up for you. <3 I wouldn’t call myself nice (bc my internal monologue can be mean lol), but if someone on my team is flaming our teammate, I usually try to tell them to chill at the very least.