Developer of PieFed, a sibling of Lemmy & Kbin.

  • 15 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 4th, 2024


  • A few months ago I evaluated Quart to see if it would be a better option for It was easy to port my code from Flask to Quart and everything was mostly working within an hour or two. In the end I decided not to proceed with Quart because the performance gains only happen when there are many concurrent users and that time might never come. However the extra complexity and potential for problems was there immediately, so I just stayed with trusty old Flask. It’s good to know that switching to Quart is straightforward if I need it in the future.

  • Thanks for grabbing the chart.

    My Stats 101 alarm bells go off whenever I see a graph that does not start with 0 on the Y axis. It makes the differences look bigger than they are.

    The ‘outsiders, gendered’ which is the headline stat, shows a 1% difference between women and men. When their gender is unknown there is a 3% difference in the other direction (I’m just eyeballing the graph here as they did not provide their underlying data, lol wtf ). So, overall, the sexism effect seems to be about 4%.

    That’s a bit crap but does not blow my hair back. I was expecting more, considering what we know about gender pay gaps, etc.

  • Initially I was a bit surprised that they were not proposing to seize the entire means of production, only the transport system and land held by the aristocrats.

    But I dug into it a bit more - apparently there was very little industrialization in Germany at that time other than the construction of railroads and associated iron + coal mining, which is included in the nationalisation policy. So they were intent on taking over effectively all industrial activity, such as it was.