It could. All these memory clocking issues seem to be related to refresh rates.
You might need custom modeline to make it work.
That whole idea with putting a bunch of stuff in the title bar looks ugly.
Not a fan of GTK UI design.
My guess would be it’s Nvidia problem.
Getting close to making some games playable.
Make images from the disks, mount them in Wine as CD-ROMs and run the installer.
If installer is too dumb to expect one disk at a time - then mount them one at a time too.
Not using Galaxy, but GOG version work fine.
Nice! Now we need other two and then OpenGL to cover gaming scenarios.
Then I guess we can start testing how it works.
Upstream kernel support.
Nothing stops Gamescope from switching to Wayland proper.
XWayland will be more useful for old native games which are tied to X and don’t use something like SDL.
It works fine (use KDE).
Wine still goes through XWayland but it’s approaching getting full Wayland support.
If you don’t need AMDVLK - simply uninstall it.
It is higher than before, yeah. Around the same for me (20 W) for 2560x1440 / 180 Hz.
7900 XTX (using it now). Upstream kernel support, proper Wayland experience and so on.
If there is electrical noise, try also the optical audio output (S/PDIF).
Completely depends on the game.