I’m not trying to make a point or argue keeping him, his short tenure here has been abysmally disappointing to say the least, but I do want some clarity. Why fire him halfway through his first season here? I feel like this would be yet another knee jerk reaction to try and save… what, I don’t know.

And on top of that, I don’t really see Evero (or anyone) making any big splashes if he was made interim, no better than what happened to Wilks last season. This team is not good, from personnel up so if we lose out anyways that just makes Evero look bad and we’ll let him go, he’s not going back to DC.

  • hashtagdionB
    10 months ago

    Maybe I’m becoming impatient, but none of these consolation prize accolades do it for me anymore. It seems like we often go for personnel based on a gut instinct of their ability to succeed, or the idea that their lack of success previously was due to external factors we can mitigate. It hasn’t worked so far, so I’m kinda cold on it.

    I want someone who’s made noise in the playoffs consistently and recently. Ken Dorsey was my pick and I hope we get him now.