• hashtagdionB
    10 months ago

    I just can’t see how so many people have this take.

    This city is about to write a huge check to David Tepper for stadium upgrades. The people who live in this city are the ones who fund David Tepper’s team by buying tickets, concessions, merchandise, and watching it on television. Scott Fowler has been writing about sports for this city’s paper of record since 1994! It’s literally his job, which he’s held for several decades, to opine on sports teams.

    It’s not a tantrum for him to be expected to be allowed to do his job. No one should be defending Tepper for choosing to ice out the Charlotte Observer because he didn’t like their reporting about him.

    Do you people really want to live in a city where reporters can’t write their honest opinions about the team because its owner might cut off their access if the coverage isn’t polite enough? Do you seriously not see how shitty that would be?

    • ExtricB
      10 months ago

      I’m not really defending Tepper here, but there is a line for a reporter when it comes to making the story about themselves. Scott has spent the past day after the press conference talking about him personally being upset because he was ignored.

      It’d be different if he was only writing about how ridiculous it was for Tepper held a press conference and did not give the press in large a legitimate chance to ask their questions. Instead he’s been inserting himself into the story and it’s a little eye rolling.

      It should almost be expected that if you write a harsh story about someone that they’re not going to play along with you moving forward. Not to say that Scott shouldn’t do that (he should keep Teppers feet to the fire), but it’s not a surprise that Tepper isn’t going to want to interact with him. Not many people would.