Happychimenoises has made a lot of videos about off meta picks like sion invade smite support, pyke mid, yuumi top, etc that reach high elo. Since many players like to stick to the meta rather than find creative ways theirself, I wonder what are some off meta picks, their runes, build, playstyle that makes them playable enough to be considered not troll. (e.g Something like crit nunu or full ap darius is troll)
Sion Jungle is really funny because he actually gets more W stacks than in lanes (Krugs are really broken for that), his ganks post 6 are also really strong.
Theres a shit ton of melee tops that are viable mid as long as youre playing against another melee, Rumble and Renekton are some of the less off meta ones but almost any melee fighter can work.
His clear is also really good after the first one. The first one is a tiny bit slow but he can still get to scuttle shortly after it spawns.
Whenever I see Yasuo or yone mid and I’m feeling particularly spiteful I just lock camille mid, that shit gets so funny.