2022 champs:


2023 champs:


Do you think that 2023’s fewer champions were better than 2022? Did the champion team nail it right this year?

personally I saw that there has been less ranting about this year’s champ compared to last year so they have been more positively received?

  • FudgeOld6122B
    10 months ago

    I really liked the champs that released in 2023, but Im generally not one to complain about Champion design. I didn’t mind most of the champs in 2022, although Zeri/Yuumi being perma pick/ban almost 2 years straight in proplay was very boring.

    I kind of like Ksante’s design idea and role he takes in game, although admittedly he was pretty strong for the most part since his release.

    I really liked Renata, Nilah and Bel’veth though absolutely no complaints there. I like their idea and their playstyle and their Niche-roles only being viable in specific positions against specific champs!

    The new champs from 2023 also are really cool. Briar has a very interesting concept and I think it will be interesting to see if she’s every going to be viable in Proplay with her super-smorc playstyle. I feel like Naafiri has become something like the AD Kassadin, being pretty weak early on but getting very powerful the more items she gets. It’s a concept of AD assassin that didn’t exist up to this point that also maybe could be interesting for proplay. Though in general I think Milio is the only champ that I see consistently being viable in proplay because he is a very potent enchanter in all aspects.

    I think in preseason another new champ is set to release and I’m very interested to see what it’s going to be all about.