2022 champs:


2023 champs:


Do you think that 2023’s fewer champions were better than 2022? Did the champion team nail it right this year?

personally I saw that there has been less ranting about this year’s champ compared to last year so they have been more positively received?

  • OkiazoB
    10 months ago

    Less champs is a clearly good direction but still I find most of the recent design to be really boring or uninteresting. I was really excited for both Bel’veth and Naafiri, having monster champions again is cool but their gameplay is simply not for me.

    Zeri has been a mess, Bel’veth didn’t live up to the expectation, Renata is actually great, K’sante is ridiculous with his overloaded kit and Nilah is completely forgetable.

    Naafiri quite boring to play, Milio is fine and Briar isn’t of my taste.

    Overall champions since 2018 have not been great to the game in my opinion.

  • spanspan3213B
    10 months ago

    Zeri and K’sante are the new too good pro play and terrible in soloq champs. Idk how they’ve done it again, and twice, but here we are. K’sante especially feels like a parody of a Riot champion release.

    Renata Glasc is just a weird non champ to me. She’s kinda cool in proplay I guess, but if she disappeared tomorrow I wouldn’t notice. Her name is also just funny to me as it stands out if you’re reading over a list of the champion names. She’s like an impostor. Why is she not just called Renata?

    Nilah is completely forgettable and goes into the Akshan pile of half baked champions with no cohesion in their kits. It’s like they pulled a bunch of ideas from scrapped champions and made a Frankenstein’s monster out of them.

    Bel’veth feels kinda messy. Her amount of dashes is parody level and she looks goofy, but otherwise I guess she’s fine. At least her kit is cohesive and it’s like they actually had a unique idea for a champion and executed on it, and they weren’t just fulfilling a champion release quota.

    Milio is my favorite champ release since Vex. Clean kit, not annoying to play against, unique design, and slots so well into the game that it feels like he’s been there for years.

    Naafiri is a champion. I like how her kit is simple and that she’s not a humanoid but that’s the extent of my thoughts on her.

    Briar. I really like her “IV bag” character design, and aspects of her kit, but right now (and I don’t know if it’s fixable) she’s too feast or famine. I’m excited to see her in proplay.

    If I had to choose which champions stayed and got removed, I’d only keep Milio and Briar. That’s 0/5 from 2022 and 2/3 from 2023, so that tells you my feeling on which year is better. I want each champion release to feel like it came from a place of passion and a lot of work and fine tuning. Otherwise I’d rather get no champions.

  • DanielthenewbieB
    10 months ago

    2023 not that bad tbh, briar is a abomination in every way but the other 2 are pretty fine. Not a huge fan of making a assassin as simple as naafiri, i think assassins is the one role that really should actually be pretty hard to play so that they can actually be outplayed. 2022 was really bad though besides Renata they really added nothing to the game.

  • revivalist1337B
    10 months ago

    The 2023 champs makes me feel like they are not unique in their way that much, maybe Briar is unique,

    and Milio’s abilities I liked the W enhanced range idea but he feels like another cute enchanter support, R is just basically Mikael (if it’s casted correctly), Nafiiri to me is basically Yorick mixed up with Talon R and jumps

    From my own perspective I see that if we are going to produce less champions we have to make them more creative and unique.

  • lidocainumB
    10 months ago

    Honestly wish they just stopped pumping champs and dedicated enough time to update the horrendous old designs, ASU’s are much better received and enjoyable than new champs

  • Indomie_At_3AMB
    10 months ago

    I like Milio’s kit but he can feel underwhelming. Sometimes it feels like I just don’t exist when I play him.

    I wish his ult could be cast when stunned.

    If anybody has ever played Mobile Legends, milio has the same ult as Diggie and Diggie from ML feels way more fun to play than Milio

  • ItsRickedB
    10 months ago

    Personally my least favorite can not really connect to any of them. Though I understand their direction.

    Overall I would like an analysis towards what playstyles are present and what are the gaps. And to have it shared with us.

    Right now I really miss options in ranged junglers, Ap bruisers. And to be fair the entire ap section needs a split up in items. But i can understand that its not because there are too few champs to represent these classes.

  • Zealousideal_Year405B
    10 months ago

    yeh, 2022 champs were terrible, gimmicky and overloaded in almost every sense

    Why does renata revive on a basic ability?
    Why does zeri have better gank angles than zac?
    Why does belveth spawn hordes on top of infinite scaling?
    Why does nilah even exist being a mix of Diana Yasuo and Samira?
    Why does ksante “insert showmaker copypasta”?

  • Laughing_FishB
    10 months ago

    Solid. Milio is meh, not really interested in him. The doggo is fun though, and I really like Briar.

    Only champ in 2022 I really liked was Reneta. On paper Reneta sounds broken AF and unfun, but in practice she feels quite fair imo

    2022: 1 like (Reneta), 1 meh (Bel’Veth), 3 dislike (Zeri, K’Sante, Nilah)

    2023: 2 like (Briar, The Doggos), 1 meh (Milio), 0 dislike

  • FudgeOld6122B
    10 months ago

    I really liked the champs that released in 2023, but Im generally not one to complain about Champion design. I didn’t mind most of the champs in 2022, although Zeri/Yuumi being perma pick/ban almost 2 years straight in proplay was very boring.

    I kind of like Ksante’s design idea and role he takes in game, although admittedly he was pretty strong for the most part since his release.

    I really liked Renata, Nilah and Bel’veth though absolutely no complaints there. I like their idea and their playstyle and their Niche-roles only being viable in specific positions against specific champs!

    The new champs from 2023 also are really cool. Briar has a very interesting concept and I think it will be interesting to see if she’s every going to be viable in Proplay with her super-smorc playstyle. I feel like Naafiri has become something like the AD Kassadin, being pretty weak early on but getting very powerful the more items she gets. It’s a concept of AD assassin that didn’t exist up to this point that also maybe could be interesting for proplay. Though in general I think Milio is the only champ that I see consistently being viable in proplay because he is a very potent enchanter in all aspects.

    I think in preseason another new champ is set to release and I’m very interested to see what it’s going to be all about.

  • Not_Fan_Of_HumanB
    10 months ago

    Only Bel’veth and Renata was real success in my opinion , the rest only made the game worse

  • 4Teebee4B
    10 months ago

    2023 felt much simpler (and I even had this feeling with Nilah from last year compare to Samira) but they delivered good champions.

    I still have the - probably unpopular - opinion that having these simple kits is harder to balance and I understand that Riot is okay not trying to make every champion viable both in pro and soloQ but I think this is bad on multiple levels. As a player who is motivated to go pro, why should I bother champions that are only viable in lower ranks? On the other hand as a casual player, I would destroy my fun picking champions I like but hard to play in a soloQ environment or in lower level. Also, I would love to see my main played by the best players even if I am Shaco main. Okay, maybe don’t be a popular pick, but at least 1-2 times/ year should be good.

    2022 started really good in my opinion. Zeri is super fun and okay to play against if not overtuned. Bel’veth could be much more kit-wise but still fun and her fantasy is awesome (her teaser was maybe the best for me), Renata is super fun, unique and surprisingly balanced with a kit that is broken on multiple levels on paper. Udyr rework was also really good although it took much longer than anticipated.

    However with K’Sante, I am not sure. Yeah he is high skill which I adore and somewhat fine but I still don’t like his kit and I have to say, the main reason is his aesthetic, his animations and his lore is… weird. Nilah felt uninspiring and just a budget Samira.

    The biggest hit were the midscope updates in 2022 which were almost always incredibly well done. So well that I was more hyped sometimes than in case of new champions or reworks. However 2023 I would consider only Neeko and Rell as a success and the rest are either neutral (Jax) or big misses (Yuumi, Ivern) and there are less updates than before. No reworks at all, just some icon updates (that were nice quality but not enough imho)

    TL,DR: although new champions are fine, 2023 is much weaker on almost every aspect than 2022 in my opinion

  • AsdowaB
    10 months ago

    Renata is my favourite overall here, but any 2023 kit design shits on other 2022.