Hey, so I am support main and want to hear from ADC players. What support is best in ur opinion ? I mean not to specyfic champ But Just In his role. I main rakan zyra and thresh, and rhink they are very good picks, But other plsyers in lobby do not like them.
Gold 2 actualy.
Thresh, Braum are my bois but holy fuck if I don’t love me a brand.
And surprisingly (don’t tell my panth sub) I hate pantheon at supp
Never in my life have I heard of people complaining about Rakan or Thresh support, the peole in your lobbies are ridiculous. You can mess up Zyra prety bad but the other two are very solid and respected picks, icnluding in pro play.
I don’t like Thresh right now personally, I don’t think he does enough damage so there’s times where the hook lands and you lose the fight anyways because the other side has two champs dealing damage or heals/shields and Thresh just kinda does nothing after Hook+Flay. And then unless the Thresh lands everything in lategame, he just falls off with gametime and you’re wishing you had a Senna, Soraka, Sona, Rakan, Renata.
I think Rakan can slot into most comps since he can do almost everything. Nautilus has reliable cc. In terms if enchanters, i guess probably Soraka since most adc or supports wont build anti heal anyway especially in lower elos
Milio seems very strong in basically every lane match-up right now, either out sustaining poke or double adc lanes or just shutting down hard engage champs making it pretty easy to always go at least even. She also remains pretty potent through all stages of the game.
I want to say nami but realistically it’s gotta be lulu.
But play zyra, she’s the most fun.