I suppose I’m a bit confused after this game. Normally there would be some comments and posts telling me that I should feel jubilation after a loss like this, but I can’t say I see many of them tonight. I was led to believe that the team was young and that a lot of these projects were long-term, so what gives? Nothing drastic has changed over the last few games so it seems a bit odd that the consensus has been shifting noticeably. Could it be that all the “haters” and “fake fans” were right about a lot of things? I doubt that would be the case; if it were, you’d imagine all the naysayers would show integrity and acknowledge that they were wrong and a bit harsh, but I don’t see that either. I’m trying to force myself to be happy right now but I’d love if some of the optimists could chime in and back me up here.

  • mvhcmaniacB
    10 months ago

    We played 30 minutes of pretty good basketball tonight. Our guys looked great in the first half - it was a nice display of potential. Now that we’ve seen what we can be like, we just need to play like that for the whole 48 minutes.

  • Equivalent_Bet1519B
    10 months ago

    This team is absolute garbage lol. And it’s by design. We brought Tre back and he stunk too

    Get ready for another 20-25 season and top 5 pick. Just like with OKC Orlando Houston Philly Cleveland and all the teams that have tanked in the past you need 2-4 years of tanking

  • GrabSpirited1056B
    10 months ago

    Well player development is nice but some things are not difficult to see. Entire core except Wemby and Devin have reached to their peak. This what we get most from guys like Keldon, Tre, Zach and Malaki. I know Spurs fans are emotional and like guys like Keldon but it’s time to stop being emotional and make a move. I mean yeah Pop is stubborn af but I don’t see this as a coaching problem. It’s obvious that we’ll be at the bottom this and next year and those guys won’t develop further. A trade is a necessity at this point. Get a ball handler or picks and even trade Zach and get a real rim protector. We don’t need offense from post up. It’s 2023.