Just wanted to point it out real quick.
Here’s what changed for the item:
350hp ( was 400, -50 )
65 ad ( was 60, +5 )
20% increased damage to towers ( removed )
gain bonus resists when alone ( removed )
cannon and super minions gain 15-90 bonus resists ( was 30-180 for melees, 50% cut )
new passive: each 5 autos, do 150% damage, 400% if you attack a tower.

Apart from the fact the new passive is just a worse version than the “flat” 20% dmg increase, not all champions that build Hull are autoattack reliant. Illaoi, for example, is statistically the top3 hullbreaker user, she doesn’t AA.

At the cost of this new passive, we lose isolated resists and 50% cannon’s resists.

My thoughts: Yes, feel free to attack me for being sad at this change, but I am sorry, I can’t be happy about it. The resists were found to be broken only recently, when applied to high mobility champions made them unburstable in 1 cc before they could run away ( hi Yone, Ahri, Leblanc ).
Other than this, hullbreaker had only one more major complaint: The base stats it gave made the item a safe choice even for later teamfights.

Both those issues could have been fixed. The first issue was also a consequence of the second one. Moving 400hp 60ad into the isolated effect ( so you’d lose them when not isolated ) would have fixed the problem better, without depleting the item for its legit users.

But on top of this, what’s the reason behind the resists nerfs on minions? No one ever cried about those and I made sure to read thousands of comments before. The resists are necessary to disallow mages and supports from countering your split by clearing in your face without pvp interaction.

As the item it is now, it is dead. It is no longer worth to build it. And I think I’m very much correct about it given the absurd amount of experience and games I have with it ( several thousands ). Thoughts?

  • kammos_B
    10 months ago


    Nerfs to canny resistances are definitely too big

    But the pseudo-demolish seems nice, especially combined with actual demolish

  • JabberwockyNZB
    10 months ago

    Moving 400hp 60ad into the isolated effect ( so you’d lose them when not isolated ) would have fixed the problem better, without depleting the item for its legit users.

    Lmfao so you are forced into perma splitting or you lose your entire item? Your pyke decides to roam to help you out and suddenly youve turned into a melee minion? Great change bro

  • BactyraelB
    10 months ago


    • Total Cost: 3000 gold Item Recipe: Tunneler + Nether Shard + Pickaxe + 125 gold
    • 65 Attack Damage
    • 350 Health
    • 5% Movement Speed
    • Passive – Skipper: Basic attacks grant a stack (up to a maximum of 5 stacks). Attacking an enemy champion or epic monster while at max stacks consumers all stacks to deal 150% base AD bonus physical damage, increased to 400% against structures.
    • Passive – Boarding Part: Nearby allied Siege and Super Minions gain 15-90 bonus armor and magic resistance (based on level).

    I felt like posting the item helps when discussing it. And this is broken. Demolish + skipper means in the same time frame that you are waiting to slam you are now just getting a 400% bonus ad scaling along with 35% max health dunk on a tower. With no internal cooldown on the ad demolish. So if I am playing trundle with base 2 attacks per second, every 2.5 seconds I am hitting a tower for 400% bAD. This is also just all around better for champs who don’t build attack speed but ad stack.

    If anything this just makes burning a tower earlier much easier. I honestly don’t see the issue. We lost armor and magic resist? Which is fine considering split pushing generally requires 1v1.