Happy Thanksgiving to all those celebrating it. Keeping with tradition, I’ve decided to put off hosting the weekly Complaints & Confessions Thread and substitute it with something a little better this week.

So, instead of complaining or talking about the things that have been weighing heavy on your mind, let’s take a moment to jot down a comment or two about the things we’re thankful for or anything that you otherwise want to rave about. Doesn’t necessarily have to be running oriented either.

Spread some joy, share some love, and let’s hear what you’re thankful for.

  • 30000LBS_Of_BananasB
    10 months ago

    Thankful: I am super thankful for my partner and his support of my crazy run ambitions and crazy other ambitions!

    Thankful: that I have figured out my cross training 🤞 and have lead to me not having had any running injuries this year which has lead to some amazing PRs! (Goes and knocks on wood)

    Thankful: for all the new friends I have made this year through my cross training!

    Rave: new watch has arrived! I’m excited to explore the new metrics and be able to follow courses with greater than 50 turns!