This is just one example of a hundred things (none of which I can think of right now) that I know I should be doing but just don’t. What is your brainfuck?
Thresh lantern. Always the thresh lantern. Walk right by it and die.
I still believe people want to win. Even on rankeds.
I never stop attacking jax during his E
I started walking into enemy Senna ults after playing too much with a Senna one trick
Listen man… all I’m saying is I can definitely kill this Singed when I catch up to him. Just a little closer.
Starting games 1/10/4 and winning and saying “mid dif” to the opposing 25/4/7 mid
She’s still relatively new but I waste every single Renata W cast on me lol
It’s just too much of a game-changing mechanic for my brain to register. Usually, if a champion dies (barring a few exceptions), they die lol
Don’t stand in a direct line between xayah and her feathers. Gets me every time.
I still play League
After 14 years, I still play the game
Not listening to pings
Forgetting to use zhonyas/rocketbelt/ any fucking item active.
I used to avoid builds with actives for this reason. They’re wasted on me.
Doing better to remember these days, but still miss some times I should have used and probably would have clutched it.
I still often forget to or fuck up blocking a Caitlyn ult coming the way of my 100HP teammate.
That’s not so bad on it’s own but I’m a Caitlyn main. I should know better having been on all 3 ends of that scenario multiple times lol