I think as long as they don’t get racial and kept away from f*ck, it would still get a T rating
I think as long as they don’t get racial and kept away from f*ck, it would still get a T rating
Mines or Tire. Tire is so fun to wall climb around with. Mines? Well I’m a Ball main so …
For real. Had a Torn in my game last night run to the midway of the 2nd point ramp on Circuit Royale, get line of sight on the attacking team and then afk. There was like 1min30s left on the clock and we regrouped again for a final overtime fight to which he came back from spawn and afkd again.
The problem with Ball is that he is too strong when red team has 0-1 counters but when they have 2+, his effectiveness drops hard. This combined with the community general disdain towards him means that people will often swap to counters vs a Ball than other tanks. Heck, people might not even know which DPS/supp counters the other tanks, cept ana vs Hog. Seems 90% of players know that.
I find them to be fairly accurate, more so than tracer and sombra imo
Rein doesn’t need a buff, he just needs a meta shift.
This is why stat farmers and people that say “look at the stats, you threw” are so annoying. You can have really high stats but not be applying them at the right time/place thus greatly reducing the impact of those stats. Most of the time it’s the Moira or S76 bringing up stats which I find particularly funny.
It originally meant just that a team could have touched the point to prevent the cap but instead went off the point.
Over time though, the definition has evolved, as we’ve seen with tons and tons of words and phrases throughout human history. Also now we have sig9 which is sigma ulting to force the team off but c9 is still used for anyone else forcing the enemy team off these days. It basically now just means the point was won while some of the enemy team was still alive and not within 5ft of spawn.
That’s a team comp that proves why we need to have some 1 shots in the game
They feel that way because they were designed with that in mind. In 6v6 we had 1 tank whose main job was team protection and 1 tank who peeled and backed up the main tank.
Also all of those tanks that were built “with protecting the team in mind” are better off using their abilities selfishly for most of the match.
The community desperately needs to get away from the “traditional tank is only tank” mindset because it just causes them to lose more games and have less fun.
I don’t think any of these upsides are unique to Tank. Positioning and routing helps with Widow and Hanzo.
Many supports can shut down ultimates entirely. Some DPS heroes have ways to shut down ultimates, not including just deleting the hero ulting.
Tanks have to be very careful about all their plays because the entire team at a minimum is keeping an eye on the tank, if not shooting them.
Tanks still need to worry about dealing damage and trying to pick off the enemy. They just also have multiple other jobs, some of which the player base just auto assumes the tank will do (peeling) even though it can be done by anyone. The change to 5v5 actually put pressure on the rest of the team, not just the solo tank, to also pick up the “off-tank” duties from OW1. The community is still learning this on the whole, especially lower ranks. Supports should be peeling for each other and DPS should also be helping in some scenarios. Too many people assume the tank is the only one that can peel.
The real upsides to playing tank, imo, are in the fun of the heroes kits and the variety. Also you are the typically the giant target so the enemy and your supps alike will tend to focus you. This can be quite exhilarating. Tanks have some of the most flashy and fun ultimates, even if they end up doing nothing sometimes. Also, Rein duels and Ball mirrors are a treat.
Tank has a much wider definition in Overwatch than other games that have Tanks. They all create space in different ways. The need from the community to have a mobile damage sponge rather than using cover effectively is the real issue.
I feel like we just had this question get lots of attention within the past 2 days.
Wrecking Ball cuz physics and boops
Ball main here. I main him because he is insanely fun and so different. Ball physics Overwatch physics is fun to play around and I personally feel ball has helped me with projectile aim funnily enough. Been a Ball main since he released although I play most of the tanks and will swap. Nothin beats getting them sweet sweet environmental kills with double/triple boops. Heck just wall jumping brings me joy lmao
You make a good point that my original question is better worded as “what hero has the lowest skill ceiling”.
However, skill expression is what “skill ceiling” and “skill floor” are measuring. They are not the quite same thing on the whole.
Being the only one Tank on the team applies more stress to the tank player, both mentally and digitally. The tank has the most jobs (create space, peel, kill, deny snipers, etc) and the most pressure to do them all. We get all the blame for every Defeat screen, and even seeing the enemy tank get told “TaNk DiFf”, you can often see that they were playing fine and you just had better teammates
Lol sorry that was a different post but your thoughts and opinions are very much welcome here! Interesting candidate there for sure. I had not thought of him as a candidate but you make some good points. His platform and dash seem to be his main forms of potential skill expression but are they low enough for him to be the least?
It is absolutely a big reason people stick to their mains. I’m a Ball main for many reasons and skill expression is a big one for sure.
I think we can, and do, have heroes that have low skill floors but also enough skill expression and a high enough skill ceiling to where it’s useful to attain that skill. I think Junkrat is a great example of this. Bastion is very easy but he has gotten some more expression with his nade, though he could use some more.
Ya I agree that skill expression is different, although very similar to skill ceiling. Skill Expression is a big part of what ‘skill floor’ and ‘skill ceiling’ are measurements of.
Sounds like Ball with swords