###Welcome members of the NFCN

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  • In case your interested, here are the previous NFCN Discussions we’ve hosted: #1, #2, #3

  • @immovableairB
    17 months ago

    Lions fans are quite insufferable, it’s easily to tell they can’t handle winning. But the worse part is every game Tj Hockenson loses or every bad game he has they infect our subreddit talking about TJ being ready to win some games. Thelien refused to take a pay cut and got cut then joined the panthers because he said they give him the best odds to win a superbowl. The panthers are now the worst team in the nfl, but you won’t see Vikings fans regard him so negatively.

  • @TO500B
    17 months ago

    Bears fans - what do you want from the draft next year? From an outside perspective this draft feels SO hard to navigate for you. Do you want MHJ + Oline help and go all in on Fields, now with a much better offense? Do you want to take a new franchise QB at 1? If so, Williams or May?

    What to do with Fields seems like the hardest call. He hasn’t looked like a franchise qb per se, but offensive play calling and OL may be playing a factor. Could see him getting traded to a more stable team and being really solid (could also see him continue being mediocre)

    • @lkn240B
      17 months ago

      Draft a QB - if you are still wondering if a QB is the guy in year 3 it means he’s not the guy.

      • @AgilePickle745B
        17 months ago

        I would NOT pass up a shot at picking the next Calvin Johnson. MHJ or bust

        Why are we in a hurry to ruin another flawed QB?

    • @Old_Control4299B
      17 months ago

      Bears fan - I don’t want to comment on Fields vs. rookie qb as everyone is doing that. However, everyone sleeps on the Bears OL. Braxton Jones and Darnell Wright are playing great football. People mostly sleep on Braxton Jones, but he’s quietly been the best OT from the 2022 draft class and is a very valuable asset for the team as he’s still on a rookie deal. Drafting an OT with the current roster in the top 10 seems like a waste of the capital when there are more glaring holes on the roster, specifically on the DL. If MHJ is available with the Chicago Pick (not the Panther’s pick which looks like a top 3 pick rn), I want him on the team. Additionally, if the Bears don’t solve the center position in the draft or free agency, it’ll be a slight on the team. We currently have the 33rd-36th ranked center in the nfl… You could probably get hammered playing a drinking game each time there’s a bad snap or the center gets put on his butt in a Bears’ game.

    • @COYS234B
      17 months ago

      Packer fan opinion here, so take it with a grain of salt I guess. I think not taking a QB at 1 would be a huge mistake. Fields is out of contract after next season, and I really don’t think he’s shown anywhere near enough to be seen as the QB of the future. Williams or Maye would have 3-4 years to develop with most likely a new coach at the helm. Use pick 4 on a tackle so the protection should hopefully be good for them in those years. I get the MHJ talks, but I really don’t think the pass catchers are that big of an issue. Moore is a legit WR1, and they have more than enough cap space and draft capital to get a WR2 in the building in the offseason.

      • @amak316B
        17 months ago

        Packer fan as well but I agree with you completely. Fields is in year 3 and the betting lines don’t move much whether he’s playing or Bagent is playing. That’s a massive red flag for me. Williams will be generational.

    • @Matzah_RellaB
      17 months ago

      It’s a real pickle to be in, honestly. It all depends on positioning now because the Patriots could end up with the first overall pick. Add in the Fields should-we, shouldn’t-we debate and we’ve got a little bit of a mess on our hands. Things will no doubt get interesting.

  • @SkolwaysB
    17 months ago

    So the Bears just inviting everyone to their house for their victory party? Well I brought a 4-pack of interceptions… 🥲

    • @sonicsean899B
      17 months ago

      OOH, fresh turnovers! Haven’t seen this many in the division since Cutler left

  • @jwwinB
    17 months ago

    What is your honest opinion on the color orange?

    • @AnonymousFroggiesB
      17 months ago

      Honestly? It’s my least favorite of the primary and secondary colors. I’m a little colorblind though, so what do I know?

    • @whatever12347B
      17 months ago

      I like our brownish orange. The Bronco’s bright ass orange is terrible though.

    • @Alarmed-Flan-1346B
      17 months ago

      Bears uniforms are some of the ugliest in the league imo. If I was ranking the uniforms in the north I’d go

      1. Vikings
      2. Lions
      3. Packers
      4. Bears
      • @InterrobangersnmashB
        17 months ago

        You’re clearly biased as a Lions fan! No joke, I think the Lions have the worst unis in the division. Everyone looks good, (even the Packers, a team I hate with all my soul!) except Detroit. And I LIKE the Lions, always have. But the silver and electric blue? Blechhh!

        (The other Detroit sports teams look great though. Tigers away unis are some of my favorite in baseball)

  • @Pickle_LollipopB
    17 months ago

    Lions fan here - which teams for y’all outside the division has been your pain in the ass to beat over the years? Ravens and Seahawks for us

  • @AnonymousFroggiesB
    17 months ago

    Oh, this is neat! Too bad there isn’t a more neutral subreddit for this kind of thing, it’s not every day that our fan bases can mingle cordially like this.

    Anyhow, I’d be glad to field any questions that anyone has about the Packers, Wisconsin or life in general 🙂

    • @whatever12347B
      17 months ago

      What’s the consensus on Love right now? Is his inconsistency too big of an issue to overcome?

  • @Ph1llyth3gr8B
    17 months ago

    Lions fan here - does Eberflus or whoever calls the plays for the Bears know that Fields can throw the ball in front of the line of scrimmage?

    I loved what the Bears did on their first couple drives and the use of Kmet in the face of pressure. Suddenly the play-calling Monday night turned into someone getting cute playing Madden trying to run screens against their little brother for the lulz. The heck was that?!

    Seriously though, if the Bears would just let Fields do what he’s good at, that team would be so much better.

  • @TaxManKnockingB
    17 months ago

    I want to preface this by saying I am a Packers fan.

    I believe Justin Fields is a freak show athlete, but a mediocre QB. I would love (hate) to see Chicago concert him into a more effective and athletic version of Taysom Hill. Not just if Justin would agree to it, but that would be awesome to watch as a football fan, but shit to watch as a Packers fan.

    • @amak316B
      17 months ago

      With how bad the QB play is in the NFL right now there is no way Fields accepts that role at this point in his career. Becoming a starting QB is just so much more lucrative than being a gadget player and he is good enough to start for several teams.

  • @murphy1377B
    17 months ago

    Packers fan. Not trolling. I like the idea of Fields. Can run and occasionally make some good throws. However, he never seems to hit a first read. Seems like his footwork is out of wack or he doesn’t trust what he sees. Feels like the OC then decides, okay let’s just throw screens to move the ball. Not trusting fields to throw downfield.


    • @whatever12347B
      17 months ago

      It’s true that Fields gets himself sacked on dropbacks sometimes, but Getsy’s play-calling is so weird that it’s hard to tell if he’s actually limiting Fields with short passes or just using a really conservative game plan.

  • @mousefrog32B
    17 months ago

    Thought I’d say that I’m a Packers fan that hates how much I love the Vikings aesthetic. The horn, the drum before the game, the colors and logo. It’s actually one of my favorites. If I was a fan of a team outside the division, I’d probably cheer for them because of that alone.

  • @breinholt15B
    17 months ago

    What’s everyone’s opinions on each teams QB and how they are doing this season?

    • @whatever12347B
      17 months ago

      I think Goff might actually just be good now, but I’m not ready to admit it.

      • @ChelskiSB
        17 months ago

        Goff is a QB who is as good as his supporting cast

        Their oline is often dominant and it makes him look good. If his line is struggling, goff cant overcome it because he lacks physical ability

        He´s OK. Not much more to say about it

        • @BZNagainB
          17 months ago

          To be fair I don’t think any of these QBs are going to do well when the average time in pocket is 1.47 seconds like it was Thanksgiving.

          Cousins would crumble. Love would be early season Love. Thabksgiving he looked good but the Lions were giving him over 3 seconds per drop back

          Fields would rack up rushing yards in a likely loss.

          Interestingly aside from the fumbles Goff had a good day Thursday. Over 300 yards and over 100 QBR. Two TDs and no picks. All with an rusher in his face almost every play.

      • @Crooked_SartreB
        17 months ago

        Hard to make that decision when the only time I watch Goff play is against us and we dominated him all game

        • @BoxAndShivB
          17 months ago

          Two of the picks he threw against y’all weren’t really his fault tbf. The first one was caused because LaPorta got knocked down on his route by a defender, and the third one was tipped. The second one was ugly though and he had another throw that should have been picked, so I guess it evens out a bit.

          Aside from the last two games, he has really played well this season. Hopefully he returns to form here soon, or we are really gonna struggle.

    • @middleimpact445B
      17 months ago

      Kirk is far and away the best qb in the division at the moment. Sucks that he got hurt, he’s just about the most likeable player in the division that isn’t on the Bears. “He’s a nice Viking.”

      Love hasn’t looked good, but better overall the past couple games. The scary thing is he’s probably hindered by his supporting cast, and the Packers will probably be good again if he gets decent weapons. He flashes skill at times, but he does have a terrible deep ball. Decent game manager.

      Fields either plays better than Kirk or worse than Love. No in between.

      Jokes aside, he’s very talented and has a great knack for big plays, but he has struggled to prove that he can handle standing in the pocket and making a read, especially down the middle of the field. Love the guy but his time’s running out. IMO, he would be “the guy” if we didn’t have the Panthers’ pick.

      Jared Goff.

      • @ChelskiSB
        17 months ago

        Cant say I agree with the Love part. I think the being hindered by support cast only counts for a few drops

        Either their WR´s or their coaching is underrated as hell, because there always seems to be someone massively open. And Love does a good job finding him

        Also their oline is still very good… whenever I lurk their gametime thread and they are ranting that their oline stinks, I realize QB isnt the only position they are spoiled as hell with

        I´d say he has an above average supporting cast at minimum. Its just a lot of New or unknown names, but that will probably change soon

        • @BellacosePlayerB
          17 months ago

          Cant say I agree with the Love part. I think the being hindered by support cast only counts for a few drops

          they had (and still have) people running the wrong routes. MLF’s scheme is complex and his first year took around this time this season for it to click with everyone

        • @DesignerPension1B
          17 months ago

          As others have said, our run defense has been poor for several years, and many fans will blame that on the o-line, which is probably somewhat warranted.

          There were stretches earlier this year that the o-line looked suspect; such as the center blocking the guard instead of anyone on defense, but those issues have been cleaned up over the past few games.

      • @murphy1377B
        17 months ago

        I don’t know if Ive seen fields play better than Kirk ever…

        Cousins Goff Love Fields

      • @Corvus-RexB
        17 months ago

        Regarding Love’s deep ball, from what I’ve seen in JTs qb school analysis, Love mainly just has some poor footwork and waits too long on many of his throws. I expect that stuff to be much more polished next season after this offense as a whole has had more time to gel together. Plus they’ve been playing with a shitload of dead cap and the injury bug following Jones, Watson, and the team as a whole. Otherwise, I definitely agree with your analysis.

    • @COYS234B
      17 months ago

      Gonna rank them because why not?

      1. Kirk: Was looking really good until he tore his Achilles. He doesn’t do anything special, but he does the right things consistently and decisively, which when you have the Vikings’ weapons is exactly what you want.

      2. Goff: A slightly above average QB who is more of a product of his environment than a real difference maker. In the rare games where he’s pressured and forced to make tough plays, you start to see him look more like the Rams version. With that great OL and playcalling he doesn’t have to deal with that much.

      3. Love: Talented but flawed with plenty of inconsistency. He definitely shows flashes of his talent, and has been playing really well the last few games. Looking at the season as a whole though, he’s had some bad stretches too. At worst, I think he’s probably a below-average starter, but if he can clean things up he could easily push top-10.

      4. Fields: Insanely talented but very frustrating. In terms of arm talent and athleticism, there’s maybe 5 QBs more gifted than Fields. There is practically nothing on the field he can’t do physically. That being said, there’s also not a WR he can’t miss wildly, a read he can’t blow, or a silly pick he can’t throw.

      • @WisdomlostB
        17 months ago

        Your assessment of Goff hurts my feelings because it’s so accurate. Give him a solid o line with a halfway decent run game and he can light defenses up. If you put him under pressure or make the team one dimensional he can still pull it off but it will be a struggle. He’s much better than he was in his last year on rhe Rams but I think we have seen his ceiling and it’s like 8 or 12th best in the league.

  • @JordanLoveOwnsYouB
    17 months ago

    Tyson Bagent looked surprisingly solid at first, and then as he continued to play it appeared as though Getsy opted more & more for screens. Watching his final game as a starter, it felt like he was throwing 90% screens. Then Fields comes back and it felt like every singe pass was behind the LoS.

    Point being, Getsy called similarly for Fields/Bagent, and appeared to severely handicap each QBs upside opting for low-risk plays. My question is, does the ineptitude stem from the QBs or is it mainly Getsy?

  • @DeckatoeB
    17 months ago

    Lions fans, How we feeling after the last few weeks? Sure some shakey results but if Goff can calm down I think yall are still on the path for a playoff victory

    • @InflationDependentB
      17 months ago

      Im still pretty confident we will win the division and have a good shot at winning a playoff game this year. I don’t think we are on the level of the 49ers or Eagles but that wasn’t/ shouldn’t be the expectation. I expected there to be some adversity this year at some point in the season, so I’m really curious how the team responds the next few weeks. While we’re not elite contenders, if we get hot towards the end of the season, I still think we can make some noise in the playoffs

    • @BoxAndShivB
      17 months ago

      I’m not confident about a playoff victory. I want to see a solid game this weekend against the Saints before I get my hopes up about anything.

      Our OLine has suffered a fair amount of injuries, which I think is having a large impact on our ability to execute on offense. The Packers were able to pressure Goff on like 50% of snaps or something crazy, so it seems to me that maybe we haven’t adjusted to the idea that our line isn’t elite when our interior is all facing injuries.