He just extends the game to the most boring 35+ minutes of your life by threatening a side lane and E’ing away. No solo laner can match him because he’s very interactive with R.
Playing ring around the rosie for 35 minutes and hoping your team knows how to outplay him fucking sucks.
yeah his gameplay is extremely unfun regardless of strength, genuinely sucks any enjoyment out of a game that you even win vs him if you are stuck on stopping him splitting duty and don’t get to actually do anything else
His design is literally an auto attacking beatstick with passive RNG critical hit chance. I can see the dislike he should be even worse to fight after the buff to his range too.
I just ban him, I’m confident I could go even in lane or even not int but be down cs and be fine against him mid game, but I will never trust my team mates to know how to deal with a split pusher regardless of it being gold plat emerald diamond etc. just not worth the risk
Just pick anything that won’t suffer because they can’t life steal when he ults and you’re fine. Jax, Nasus, Sion…
Horrible champion
At very least Riot should make his ult not castable while stunned, so that playing him would take ANY skill whatsoever
But hey, better spend valuable balance resources to make Azir soldiers proc Nashors
Just wait for Next season I’d say but
They’re not really buffing armor items nor are they deleting lethal tempo (overpowered broken af rune) so idk what to tell you
I think the best thing to do is just build bramble vest/ anti heal first and steelcap boots item even if it means I don’t get my normal scaling. This typically slows down tryndamere long enough so at least one of the other lanes gets a break through
The problem with Tryndamere is, unless your team actually knows how to play, he’s even more dangerous than Yi, but once you know how to keep him away, you will easily win the fight, especially since Tryndamere will avoid team fights like the plague