Preferably a dongle, but Bluetooth is ok as well. what wireless headphones do you use? thanks for all suggestions!!!

edit: because i wasn’t very descriptive, i will append this: i don’t really care about the quality too much, i want to spend ~80 usd or so, but that’s flexible within 10 dollars or so. i would prefer a headset that has a USB dongle, like a wireless mouse. i don’t really need a microphone in it, but i wouldn’t really conplain if there was one.

    10 months ago

    You didn’t mention if you’ll be watching movies or playing videos games; if so, then you’ll wanna look for some headphones with “low latency mode” because regular bluetooth headphones will introduce about a quarter-of-a-second lag—hardly an issue if you’re just listening to music, but very noticeable when you’re watching videos or playing games.

    Two low latency headphones that have worked well for me are the E600 Pro by Ankbit and the NC35 by Srhythm, both of which are in your price range (under $100 on Amazon).

    EDIT 1: Both of these headphones pair with the low latency USB dongle from 1Mii, which is sold separately for around $30.

    EDIT 2: Here’s a video to test the latency of your current set of headphones. I found it easiest to test by holding a piece of paper up to my screen so I could tell if the moving white bar was visible or not by the time I heard the beep. Another way that I tested was to record while holding my headphones up to my separate wired USB microphone, and then opening up the audio tracks from the latency test video itself and my recording in Audacity, at which point the latency is very visible.

    Worth noting that technically, pretty much every pair of headphones will have “some” latency, but where it starts becoming a problem is anything more than 50 to 100 milliseconds, which is very noticeable when you’re playing a game and the sounds are not in sync with your in-game actions—likewise when you’re watching a video with spoken words where the words are not in sync with the subject’s lips.

    If you’re just casually listening to music, there’s no issue, but anything that involves video and audio together will be very noticeable.