The reference video is in Korean (9:06 in video)
People have been calling Tarzan and Scout for inting at mid bc they were tilted (I’m sure they were after the game 1). But after watching this video, carefully expalning what really happen in game 1, it blowed my mind.
- Azir went in to ult Oriana into tower. However, the oriana used E (mvnt speed buff) and back out just little bit right before azir went in. Faker basically baited scout to close in but he was out of the range to pull into the tower. Scout had to use ult to push them away and use flash to get away.
- After Azir flashed, oriana kept hitting the tower with harold to get the tower gold. Right before J4 EQ and ult, oriana backed out just little bit so that j4’s ult circle will be just enough for him to not get agro from the tower. Another bait from faker.
All these could happen bc faker rushed the lvl2 boots. This snowballed from the harold fight (as he casually dodged azir’s ult by just walking).
Fun fact, faker used his first flash at 23 min.
I love our daddy faker
I am Em 3 in NA server. Not great but better than 80% of you.
i am masters better than 99.5% of you and i do not agree with this post. What now
Cringe glaze
This post is silly.
It looked to me like Faker backed off once he saw Tarzan at raptors.
Faker walked up to hit the tower some more because he knew he could never die there. It wasn’t a bait, it was just a complete int from Tarzan.
Harold! Forget Shirley and Shelley, we need Harold!
haha noobs I told you guys if this wasn’t obvious, you ain’t got eyeballs
Faker’s play around baron skuttle was way more impressive. He dodged 2 or 3 skill shots my mere pixels including another azir ult.
Did he apply his micromovement against APA as well?
lmaoooo i hate t1 fan.
Just hope jdg will stop this clownery sunday
Jarvan could hav dodged Oriannas ult with flash but decided it was better to die
Tarzan play was definitely dumb as f tho, there was 0 kill pressure on Faker and he somehow completely forgot that by going this deep he might also be in danger. Scout play is fine imo, sometimes you just need to pull the trigger to make something happen, faker just played accurately.