Poro King would squash Aatrox
Poro King would squash Aatrox
TL was the hyperbolic time chamber all along. Fighting Ziggs and Gnar one tricks makes one strong.
Ah, I was looking forward to the up and coming rookies KT Top and KT Mid.
Boring pick but old AP Sona! Bursting people to oblivion with low economy was pretty unfair in retrospect.
T1 spy detected…
He snorts lines of broccoli and Vayne rolls over hookers I’m sure.
Papaya_Dreaming caught posting on his alt whilst horny.
For selfish reasons I really hate the Void Grubs. Losing/fighting against permanent buffs tilt me out of my mind, especially if I feel our team isn’t contesting ones that seem free. But I guess given how early they come and only for turret damange it won’t be a game-ending buff.
Lane would be downright impossible to play against.
Its definitely a caveat, but in a sense being a sub option for a world-winning roster is telling enough of a level of quality to get a skin, to count as a championship etc.
Faker younger brother challenges and overcomes the GOAT Yasuo/Yone arc???
You are wrong. Beryl could’ve humiliated Keria again. But seeing Keria’s small frame that distraught and crying over his keyboard, it ignited a small flame of concern within his icy, ruthless heart. He decided this year, he will sit it out and let Keria have his moment. His shenanigans during the draw was to line up the teams he had Paypal’d to give T1 the easy road. But his team will not appreciate this self-sabotage. Next year Beryl will return… and add Keria to his waifu collection, one shudders to think.
The shitposting wars continue. When LEC/LCS finally wins the amount of constipated, repressed shitposting poonami will be something to witness.
To do this so well and so quickly… amazing!
Azael is like that jester with Stockholm Syndrome, licking the feet of the T1 Royal Court.
Xiaohu is really scuffing everything.
Never felt like Faker’s Akali was that great, was disappointing at Worlds last year. But had some amazing escapes.
T1 saving the most vanilla draft for game 3.
People on the internet are abrasive in general.