I play solo tank and it’s about as miserable as you think XD but if you keep positive and try to communicate with your team you can meet some good/ funny players. Sometimes it’s hard to hold your tongue when it feels like your DPS just handed the controller to his baby brother and your Moira is in front of enemy spawn and you’re clawing desperately to win a 2v5 on the point but that’s overwatch, it’s fun anyway
Someone once complained to me during OW1’s lifespan “in overwatch all the characters are overpowered” - and he was pretty spot on. However I think that’s exactly why I liked the game. I think if you did this yes, there would be a lot of busted metas. But I also think it would be a lot of fun. Blizzard started listening to the people that don’t know how to have fun anymore
I feel like what the rework did is put her skill floor into the basement. Any doughnut with opposable thumbs can throw virus on you from behind while invisible and land enough shots to finish the deal
Honestly I hate toxicity, but my competitive nature makes it so that beating toxic players. Or annoying ones (spamming voice lines and such) floods my brain with endorphins like I just shot heroin.
I agree, so it’s good to shit on those people no?
Even if it’s directed towards someone, “go to hell” is something nobody should be banned for. Any competitive game that exists has shit talk. I’ve seen the most vile disgusting stuff on this game and THOSE people need banning, I’ve been silenced too and it’s purely because the only time I ever use chat is to clap back at toxic people. The system is just stupid and seems to ban innocent players more than guilty