She is now at 3% popularity in emerald+ and negative win rate, but has no room for buffs.

She used to be at 25% popularity. She is a fun 1v9 carry champion that is seemingly perfect for a popular pick, combining high damage, mobility , button mashing, a high skill cap and being conventionally attractive with plenty of skins,

So what happened?

  • A large % is going to be lots of new flashy champions released since 2015, but that is still post yasuo and other similar era champions have kept much better % played stats.

  • People got too good at her, and riot had to start balancing around the best riven players. Not a death sentence for sure, champions like lee sin survived this just fine.


Riven is too difficult for a reasonable league of legends champion because of one mechanic, fast q.

Take a look at this riven mains post (from 7 years ago)

There are 10s of different combos for every situation , I just want to say, COOL THIS IS FINE .

Whenever you try and talk about Riven and removing this mechanic, people start thinking you want to hit ANIMATION CANCELLING, which is absolutely not the case. Yes it takes some work getting into, and some champions like Nidalee and Sylas had them removed, but this is absolutely not the problem with Riven.

So what is the problem?


It sounds simple enough, here is a guide

What it means however is a massive dps difference in using Riven’s combo intuitively - weaving autos between spells, and using this “bug” button mashing around Riven constantly to make her attack quicker. It feels like 1000s of gold worth of attack speed it’s so big the difference. You frankly cannot play Riven in a competitive game without doing it, she is balanced around it and to avoid being stat checked you have to.

You might answer, durrr just git gud, practise it. But the thing is that doing this through a game in every single situation combining with all the other combos is so hard even pro toplaners pros do not consider learning Riven to be worth it. There have been many metas were Riven has been viable and seen pro play, but only a handful of pros will bring her out.

The fix

It was actually fixed for a patch as Riot was testing out removing fast q before, Riven instantly became way more popular as people could actually access closer to her full strength without months in the practise tool.

You just make Riven like every other champion, no benefit to clicking really quickly behind her between every auto…

But I like this mechanic stop making the game too easy!

No you don’t, this mechanic is done by like 10 people in the world at a consistent level in every game. Riven would keep a high skill cap but just not an obnoxious skill gap gated by starcraft level clicking. Which leads me to…


To play Riven at a level she is balanced around, you have to click hundreds of times more than a jax player. This isn’t about game knowledge, kill thresholds, combos or things that make most “difficult” champions have a high skill gap, it’s just mechanical clicking that 99.9% of riven “mains” don’t do properly anyway.

Why has Riot not changed this already

Community outcry, seriously. Mostly by Silver Riven mains who think Riot would be removing simple animation cancels like e-w.

Also the “not a bug it’s a feature” was talking about Riven’s ability to jump over walls with q3, which was kept as a cool mechanic. Fast q is an abomination of game design separate to this.

Ultimately if you like Riven at all, you should support this as removing it let’s riot actually buff her to be playable outside of grandmaster+ 1 tricks.

  • FuZe64kB
    10 months ago

    I agree with this. whenever I’m in the mood to play riven in ranked, i immediately lose interest because of the fast Q “mechanic”. riot needs to streamline Riven so other players can pick her up too.

  • Fore-verB
    10 months ago

    The biggest issue with Riven is she has overloaded similar to Yasuo.

    Usually champs have a speciality of a shield, mobility, high damage, tankiness or CC. I’m sure I’m missing something please don’t kill me.

    Riven has all 5 in the same kit.

    So if they make her even a tad bit strong, she’s wildly overpowered.

    I think a rework would be the best option or she can just rot like Yasuo is currently.

  • compradorconfundidoB
    10 months ago

    Another reddit thread attempting to ruin an OTP champ. Let the OTPs live in peace

  • BactyraelB
    10 months ago

    The main issue is that Aatrox does the same damage with less skill and items. He has almost the same mobility with umbral dash going from a 5 second cd to a 2.5ish one with cdr. He has more sustain thanks to his passive and ultimate. He requires less items so even if you do lose lane somehow you are still ready to be a 1v9 threat at 14-20.

    Riven is just too much harder for too little reward. Sure a great riven is scary but a great riven can be dealt with by crowd controlling her. She gets bursted and dies. It is astronomically harder to do this to an Aatrox who has room in his build path to go tank over flat damage because he has insane healing over shielding. And that is the main issue. Riven’s shield does not do as much as often as Aatrox’s healing even with grievous applied.

    Because of all of these factors no one wants to play a champ that requires learning auto weaving, over a dozen combos, spacing, etc. why not just play the kled version of riven with a Susan ult and more crowd control? And if they build armor to counter I don’t care because I rushed two armor pen items because I get health and sustain from my kit.

    Whenever I vs a riven I think this is fine I’ll rush armor and steel caps and try to win short trades with cc. When I face and Aatrox I think, whelp I’m losing laning phase to more mobile Susan with cc who could run it down and still kill me later. There just isn’t a good counter to him while I can play a cc tank vs riven and go even or even kill her. Riven at the moment is a worse Aatrox. And until Riot decides to differentiate their roles she will continue to be.

  • noobjaishB
    10 months ago

    I could TRY learning if not for the goddamn ping.

  • MLGxXxPussySlayerxXxB
    10 months ago

    i genuinely do like the mechanic, killing minions gives dopamine. im a melee player, more clicking = more fun.

  • VulsynxB
    10 months ago

    ITT TL;DR: a bunch of losers whining about a simple and easy to learn mechanic that has been in the game for years instead of the real reasons why riven isn’t picked much atm - powercreep, no armour pen/mixed dmg/true dmg/%health dmg vs powercrept armour values from the durability patch.

  • ASSASSIN79100B
    10 months ago

    The post gets 2 things wrong.

    1. Fast q mechanic. It’s not actually that hard to do as people think it is.
    2. Riven player becomes a GOD after mastering the fast q. You just get to the bare minimum to play her. You still need to play smart, even though you mastered the fast Q combo. You can’t just walk up and faceroll simply because you mastered this combo.

    Riven isn’t popular because she simply isn’t that good of a champ as she was back in the day. Also, a lot of new champ’s will dilute the pool as well.

    People aren’t playing her because she needs a fast Q to make work, it’s because even when mastered she just isn’t that good of a Champion.

  • colkcolkcolkB
    10 months ago

    Riven has been over 51% winrate for the better 4/5 of a decade sometimes just sitting comfortably at 52-53%, I made a graph about this years ago.

    Just let her rot, there are other champions that never see the light of 50% winrate and are harder to play (gangplank). Why should riven get special treatment for 10 years in a row?

    People have gone from elementary school to college junior in the amount of time riven has been dominant. Let her rot. It’s even sadder that she was this dominant in the heyday of league, so 10 years of rotting is not enough for her. What other champion has been so favored for so long?

    How many riven mains were artiicially elo inflated by their 51-53% winrate champion for years and year and years…

  • CucumberinoB
    10 months ago

    I’ve played a fair amount of Riven (I don’t main her nor toplane but I’ve been playing for ages and she’s one of my favourite champions) and I hit EUW Masters consistently every season, so I’m not the average gold player, but saying that “this mechanic is done by like 10 people in the world at a consistent level” is just complete bullshit. When you get used to it, you do it automatically and don’t even think about it, saying such an amount of people do it consistently, even as an exaggeration is just the dumbest shit I’ve seen.

  • aladytestB
    10 months ago

    It’s crazy to me that this abomination of a mechanic exists in League. If you’re a casual player and pick Riven up because you think the champ looks cool, you’d literally be playing 80% of a real champion without even realizing it. You have to search up like 3 different Riven guides just to figure out what the fuck is going on with this Fast Q, then spend hours giving yourself carpal tunnel in practice tool just to not get outstatted by every other champ in the game because you have 50% lower attack speed than you should. And you haven’t even started learning the real combos!

    Riven is such a cool character with so much potential with fun combos, mobility, and outplay potential. But she’s totally unplayable for 99% of the playerbase because gatekeepers want to feel superior because they click more.