For what it’s worth, I saw it on Reuters this morning on the front page. Hardly “completely buried”.
It happened two days ago. I still think this is weird.
It was less than 24 hours ago.
Uh. The launch happened yesterday per I agree with shitting on muskrat and oligarchy, but they do enough that we can still be factually accurate about it.
Using DDG as my search engine, the first five articles all say the ship was lost as the main headline.
Do you put the clown makeup on before or after posting misinformation?
Every headline I’ve seen says successful booster catch, but starship destroyed. And it happened yesterday afternoon, only 20 hours ago as I write this. Are you thinking of the first successful chopstick booster catch which was a few weeks ago?
It’s two separate stories. The booster was caught perfectly, the top stage blew up.
I knew immediately because I was watching the feed where they said “we lost the top stage.”
The success is much more interesting than the failure, and more newsworthy.
Nothing was hidden or secret. In fact, for two years all I ever heard was people everywhere laughing that the rockets were blowing up, when the rockets were (and still are) experimental and prone to failure since they’re literally advancing rocket science.
Why is this post upvoted at all? It’s clearly wrong and/or bait?
I’m not sure how I didn’t see all the press on this. I concede… I pulled the trigger too quickly. But fuck that guy anyway.
SpaceX is not that guy only. Loads of good people work there achieving epic things. Things Musk does not have the ability to make uncool include flying space skyscrapers being caught by giant robots after having flung a 100 ton space ship / firework over the Caribbean. It’s just not possible. The whole thing is mind blowing every time.
No problems :-) and yeah fuck that guy for sure.
There was no effort to cover this up by SpaceX or anyone else. In fact, space fans are actively sharing videos of second stage RUD and subsequent burnup with each other and enjoying the magnificent views. There was a pre defined exclusion zone along the flight path so there was absolutely no danger to the public.
Just because you think Elon is bad doesn’t mean that everything he touches is automatically bad too.
i agree, although the debris definitely left the exclusion zone, as shown by the large number of flights impacted, and spacex setting up a found debris hotline.
It’s a headline on the Globe and Mail website.
I saw the failure on multiple news sites yesterday. I didn’t notice anywhere that seemed like they were covering up anything about what happened.
That wasn’t my experience. I usually like to watch these live and avoid spoilers but I couldn’t.
Saw explody images/headlines and assumed it blew up at launch. I was surprised to see the successful catch.
Tell me you don’t read news by telling me you don’t read news
Listen… I’ve had to do this already in the thread… this thread has taught me just because I haven’t seen the headline doesn’t mean there hasn’t been one. For the record: latimes subscriber and nytimes subscriber but yes… careless assed meme maker
Proof of the value of looking beyond the most base layer of news. You’ll make it easy to be fed a narrative that fits the elites worldview.
Funny, that’s also what the right-wingers keep blathering on about.
This wasn’t hidden at all. I knew about it immediately, posts and stories about the explosion were being shared immediately. It was an extremely public event, and exhaustively reported on.
Proof of the value of looking beyond the most base layer of news.
The base layer of news is what shows up in fly-in chyrons an pop-up ads. Great to get under the fold, but its worth acknowledging how much of modern media is now just the front page of the New York Post.
Exactly. We’ve never been closer to Oligarchical Dystopia in our lives.
SpaceX’s shit blows up all the time
Your lips to God’s ears. So done with Oligarchy