Definition of projectile- If windwall blocks it, it’s a projectile.
First that comes to mind is Varus who will be oppressive with his Q and R going double speed.
Morgana fo sho
I don’t see Ziggs anywhere. He is only projectiles.
Twtich R no longer misses
Ashe + Braum would end all your games.
80% wr world wide
Anivia q is nice but she’s definitely not the strongest
As a programmer, that’s the worst fucking definition of projectile I’ve ever read
Nami. Bubble becomes OP
Time to bring attack speed Soraka to primetime.
definition of projectile…
Sad doot noises
Anyone with a global or semi global projectile. Ashe, Jinx, Briar, Ezreal, Kai’Sa, Jhin, if they have a projectile ability with semi-global range, they’ll build this item.
Maybe not completely broken but I bet yasuo would be wayyyyy harder to deal with, would be near impossible to miss a q3
Honestly not a bad change, if they make it an ap item
Yasuo and Braum, ofc
Syndra become absolutely terrifying because her W (the one that deals true damage) is basically guaranteed to hit, and her Ult is turns into a Nuclear Strike that cannot be Zhonyas or Liss Ulted, or anything like that. And thats barring that her stun is now basically guaranteed to hit
Maokai’s ultimate becomes very oppressing.