Being a main of a champion means that your are intrinsically biased towards said champion. Even if you’re not asking for buffs, the way you experience the game is primarily through the lens of that champion. In honesty I feel this actually makes you worse at giving balance advice as your feedback comes from a limited perspective. Every champ in the game warps how every role plays out.

Mostly I’m writing this after continually hearing about how Velkoz mains gave advice on how to balance the champ and were “ignored”. After reading the actual post I just laughed. The idea of “reduce damage and add skill expression” to an artillery mage is funny because their ranged damage IS their skill expression. You can’t have skill expression from the back line because the safety provides no counterplay. I think back to when Ezreal is poke dominant and how busted that is.

But even in terms of community balance suggestions it’s still a weird conversation because

  1. Reddit is not a good sample of the community nor is Twitter. The only people who see the full picture are the devs
  2. High elo players are good at playing the game, not necessarily balancing the game
  3. There are millions of players each with their own ideas of balance, and over 150 champ main subs. Devs cannot be constantly checking every Avenue for advice
  4. Devs have no obligation to give feedback on your idea, and you have no idea what internally was tried before they decided on what to ship to prod. If anything I’d never give feedback because I’d just be accused of not getting it if I disagreed

Those four points are in general, not specific to the velkoz post, just about feedback in general

  • Jhomas-TeffersonB
    10 months ago

    Velkoz mains are a joke compared to teemo mains. You want to talk about ignored? He’s ignored. I’m a teemo main. He’s awful right now. The only reason i play him is because he is my most comfortable champ, but in games where i don’t feel like i need him because the matchup isn’t awful, i tend to do really well on other champs for a former teemo otp that’s just doing something different. I’m not sure what he needs, but the main problem that i have is, no matter how well i play, there are a plethora of champs who can just 1v1 me despite me being up levels and farm. My reason for thinking like this is how well i do on champs that aren’t teemo when i get ahead.

    I think “being biased” is not inherently disqualifying, though. Since a bias is unavoidable, saying “you have a bias so your ideas are bad” is no different than saying “you’re a human being so your ideas are bad.”

    However, i will note that they don’t straight up ignore mains. They put out that idea about teemo being reworked where his e or w becomes a flatly worse version of twitch q and his e moves to his passive and stuff like that. It was bad because it had a self slow and became camo instead of invis so it could not even be used as an escape tool like twitch q, much less a chase tool. His mains, me among them, rightly called out how that just made his stealthing absolutely shit and removed a lot of skill expression from a kit that has almost none besides kiting mechanics. Riot, to their credit, listened, and that has not gone unappreciated by me.

  • Boneyking_B
    10 months ago

    Agree. Peopleare so entitled with their ‘hot’ takes.

    I’m not saying Riot does a perfect job at balance, bit its THEIR game and THEIR champions. There is a delusion concerning most mains that think that their champions ‘belong’ to them. No honey, just because you’ve put 100 hours on a fictional. character doesn’t mean that he is your property and you know what to do to him. Maybe his problems have a reason to exist because he needs to have weakness.

    Also, mains subreddits are a tiny part of a champion playerbase. Many need a reality check about shat their actual importance is.

  • LeCordonB1euB
    10 months ago

    Bro you can’t type hot take like that without a space. It makes it look like hotteok and now I’m craving some at 2 AM in the morning

  • cinghialotto03B
    10 months ago

    Players give feedback, it’s the game designer that should choose what is shit and what is good and yet when an entire community of people are unanimouus on a thing they don’t listen because they think to have the truth of the world in their hands and keep failing miserably in the most stupid way possible e.g. velkoz buff

  • DrykkjaaB
    10 months ago

    Driving a car doesn’t mean you know how fucking air suspension systems work or how they should be balanced.

  • AngryjanitorXB
    10 months ago

    U werent around for the time that 3 challenger viego mains co-signed a post on this reddit asking for Riot to not remove the ability to W from camoflage (E). Which essentially made for unreactable CC stealth ganks. The mains claimed it was “skill expression”

    But now in 2023 we cant have malzahar mains asking for a tiny upgrade to the animation or missile speed of his AA.

  • NaerlynB
    10 months ago

    you have no idea what internally was tried before they decided on what to ship to prod.

    This is the biggest thing for me.

    People who balance - and that applies to a bunch of other topics in League and in general - spend their days doing that. When someone has a sudden realization or a thought of “they should just do that, I have no idea why they haven’t”, there’s a near-zero chance that they haven’t already thought about it and given it a try. And if it’s not been implemented, it’s because it caused a bigger problem somewhere else.

    Suggesting ideas isn’t bad, it never is (this is in the context of public forums and not of going up to the person directly). But doing it in a way that’s either insulting or even just coming from a place of pretentiousness is very much unhelpful (besides obviously being an asshole’s thing to do).

    I’ve given ideas that I thought and think were well-thought out. I know they were listened to. And they were never applied. And I’ve always been totally fine with that, and that’s… the norm? If they never actually got followed, it’s because they saw something that I didn’t that was causing issues. And I don’t need to know what it was - yeah, I’d like to, because it’s interesting. But it would be interesting for me and nothing but a time cost for them. So demanding that would be completely selfish.

    To give one simple and clear example of how the people at Riot just know things we don’t - in 2019, lots of people were complaining about how the arena picked for the World finals was small and how Riot could have picked a bigger one in Paris, followed by the assumption that they probably didn’t just because they were stingy. Turns out, someone from the team in charge of that told me the reason why they had to opt out of the bigger arenas was because the material they had to hang from the ceilings was heavier than the limits these stadiums had.

    So… yeah. Assuming that one knows and understands everything is wrong, unhelpful, and also very pretentious.

    Pointing out issues (constructively, and it should have been needless to say, in a non-sociopathic way) is great and super helpful.

    Suggesting ideas can always be useful (again, same remarks, shouldn’t need to be specified).

    Suggesting ideas from the assumption that one just knows better and especially knows better than the people in charge very much isn’t.

  • ParadoxIronyB
    10 months ago

    The Reddit cares thing as a passive aggressive fuck you is the funniest shit. Not once have I ever made it seem that I’m struggling but every time someone disagrees with me I get an anti-suicide Reddit message lmfao

    • bns18jsB
      10 months ago

      The Reddit cares thing as a passive aggressive fuck you

      Lol is that what it is? I got my first one not long ago I was so confused.

    • DemonkingtB
      10 months ago

      I have gotten 2 maybe 3 so far this year. I always report it and it makes me wonder if those people are penalized

  • ParadoxIronyB
    10 months ago

    Something as well is that there’s a reason there are so many people at all times balancing, even if there are one or two that are the face of the balance team. There are 160+ characters and you being mad that youre 3 million mastery points into Vel’Koz and still can’t land an E to save your life is not on the devs. Is that champ in particular incredibly weak? Of course, but now think about every other main of every other champ whining about the exact same thing for x,y, and z reasons.

    Again, a callback to the challenger K’sante one trick that reached the top of this sub with his long ass video about how this recent patch doomed K’sante, how the champ was going to be useless and doomed to no identity and unplayable, and yet that’s the patch that catapulted him from 8 months of sub 48% winrate to almost 52% above plat in every rank.

    People literally just don’t know, and they assume spamming 15 thousand games over 10 years of one champ makes them the guiding light to what needs to change. It might make you a very experienced champ user, but by no means a balance maker. You don’t take into account what the changes will do for the entirety of the rest of the game, only what you think will feel good for you specifically to play.

  • cinghialotto03B
    10 months ago

    Players give feedback, it’s the game designer that should choose what is shit and what is good and yet when an entire community of people are unanimouus on a thing they don’t listen because they think to have the truth of the world in their hands and keep failing miserably in the most stupid way possible e.g. velkoz buff

  • Ramus_NB
    10 months ago

    This take is so cold that corpses are blushing in comparison to it.

  • Frostyfury99B
    10 months ago

    I main liss and think of this whenever i see any type of buff discussed for her. She’s not fun to play against and when strong is really lame and 90% of changes suggested for her would just make that even more so

  • OZaZuB
    10 months ago

    this is just logically wrong you can not find an OTP champ main that plays exclusively that champ it’s just not possible there is no way you can make high elo with only being able to play one champ at that level. One’s understanding of the game is what makes somebody high elo not how well you know the champ. the better statement would be if you are not masters plus you can’t have input but, if there is a 1000-game Grandmaster vel main that tells you something about the champ’s balance there’s a good chance they are right.