Literally, the only time I saw this was some dumbasses on Instagram saying should Grizzlies trade Ja for Dame???
Literally, the only time I saw this was some dumbasses on Instagram saying should Grizzlies trade Ja for Dame???
Palestine, Mike Conley and most of GnG
It’s 6am and I need sleep, if they come back it’s my fault
It’s just the Jazz without Lauri
But we’re winning it all this season
I hope Jenkins lets them know that when it comes to us 2>3
Rose is a ok starter good off the bench, Gilyard is a ok starter and not very useful off the bench
Revoking citizenship is a huge no no for every state on the planet, can of worms you don’t wanna open
There’s only 2 sports teams I care about, this is a literal abusive relationship
X, Kennard, Ja, Laravia should all be back around when Ja is back, only long term ones are Adams and Clarke
I’m staying up till 4am for every grizzlies game btw
Please beat the Jazz please beat the Jazz please beat the Jazz
We are getting decent looks and shooting 10% from 3, I don’t know how you can put this one on Jenkins
Good news: we play the Jazz next game
Bad news: we’re at home again
This would actually be a somewhat close game if we were even below average from 3 instead of historically bad
Is it just me or has Jarens shot been off this season? Feels like every single time he pulls up it hits back iron
Don’t really care who wins if we’re out as long it’s not the Lakers or Warriors.
If I HAD to pick someone it would be OKC or Minnesota
It was a close game and then Booker just took over, if we can stop Ant from doing the same we have a shot
Gonna need to rely on our 3 point shooting for this one
In other words it’s not looking good
Id say right now KLJ is the one who’s gonna end up being cut
He’s not really disciplined defensively which goes against the identity of the team, I don’t know yet so hope he gets another 10 day
If it comes down to Nowell, Laravia and KLJ I take Laravia