Honestly, if they want milestone rewards, why not use the event chromas?
Honestly, if they want milestone rewards, why not use the event chromas?
Okay, this one needs to be broken down:
We typically value a known cosmetic more highly than an unknown one
I mean, if this is the case for Riot, maybe, but I don’t think this is what the playerbase thinks. Everyone gives their personal value to things, but if I had to guess, the playerbase will always value skins (which are achievable through grab bags) over banners because, like I said in another comment, skins are the ones we spend most time with, as they’re the ones that exist during gameplay. Personally, I’d rather have an unknown skin that I will use during gameplay, maybe even to try a new champion, than a banner that I will only see for very few minutes in queue.
This is a value-neutral move.
Due to my explanation above and how I believe the community values skins, this statement is simply false. We’re losing skin potential in favor of a set of banners, it’s not a value-netral move, it’s one of decreased value.
But look, if people tell us that their calibrations are different and grab bags are worth 2x a banner in their mind that’s fine, we can work with that.
With all due respect, you guys really need to know your community better if you really think grab bags were even close to the same level as a set of banners.
We’re going to try things from time to time and the point isn’t to scam people it’s for us to learn what folks like so we can make things better.
That’s very hard to believe considering how we repeatedly gave feedback that the passes are giving less and less, and now, the best thing you guys have done is add a change that you consider of neutral value (which it isn’t) instead of increased value.
I mean, I think the whole playerbase does. A grab bag gives you many possibilities among the most valuable loot: skins, after all, skins are the things we see the most when we are playing, whereas banners can only be seen during queue, which is not nearly as long.
I mean, PBE is precisly made to find stuff like bugs and game-breaking interactions, so if that is the case, it won’t be a problem.
And why not, honestly? Like, the dudes go through all the trouble of winning a championship that all regions are involved in and can’t just get a skin for whatever champion they like? If anyone deserves to have that reward, it’s them.
Honestly, why are people so obsessed with Faker retiring? He’s consistently shown that he is a master at what he does and hasn’t slowed down one bit, yet somehow people treat this 27yo as if he was 80. Just because you saw on the internet once that “human reflexes peak at twenty-something years old”, it doesn’t mean that Faker suddenly became bad after crossing that age.
I mean, being an immobile mage isn’t necessarily the issue. It’s more what they can do to handle threats or offer in general. Let’s compare Vel’Koz to fellow artillery mages:
Lux has a root that can hit two targets, a shield for herself and alliews, a slow that is really hard to avoid and a long-ranged laser, with all those abilities, except for the shield) being capable of dealing high burst damage and applying a passive that can give a smaller burst of damage.
Xerath has a long ranged burst, an AoE slow, a single target stun projectile and his Ultimate, which has massive damage and multiple hits, also mana restoration.
Now, looking at these two, Lux and Xerath are not particularly dominant, but they’re both good enough as mid laners and supports, with Lux being particularly better than Xerath. Lux has noticeably more to offer, being able to apply hard CC to more targets, shield allies and having stronger burst, while Xerath’s abilities can be useful, but he is more risky to use. Comparatively, Vel’Koz, while having high damage, certainly needs to hit abilities multiple times to proc said damage, his Ultimate forces him to stand still while having about the same range as Lux’s, which means he is in danger for longer while having less reach and his abilities being slow mean that his CC and damage are hard to land. So realistically, it’s harder to get people away from Vel’Koz and also harder to get more damage from him. He lacks reliability, he arguably should have the niche of being good against tanks and bruisers, but he just doesn’t.
I have a hard time believing this.
Here is the thing… I don’t think they’re being that transparent. And I’m not talking about the Phreak thing, because while I think it was nonsense, I think we had bigger problems before that already, like the Mythic Scams. Like, I’ll say this: they were transparent enough to say that they did it for a small part of the playerbase and for the money, but when they announced the Ekko Scam they went like “We’re grateful for all of your support, and we’re excited to keep exploring this space and making improvements” and I was like, bitch, where? What support? There was no support, the scam was exposed as a scam and widely hated by the community and they’re acting like nothing wrong happened.
I honestly think all regions should be allowed the same amount of teams. “Oh, but wildcard regions…” who cares? If they lose, let them lose, at the very least they were all given an equal chance and more players had the opportunity to play in an international environment and improve. Like, we literally are just lifting up those who are already high instead of trying to do the same to everyone, Korea and China have huge investment in their teams, but who the fuck would invest in a small region team for a chance to have ONE slot at an environment they don’t even know if they’ll be in the next year? I don’t want to sound like I hate Korean or Chinese players or teams, because I don’t, but I’m fucking sick of having pretty much only them being relevant at Worlds.
Most, if not all enchanter supports, especially old ones, need at least a CGU, if not a full VGU.