Yeah I don’t know. Some champions have been overpowered for a while and the excuse has always been “but they’re hard to master and you need to reward them”.
I mean fine, but when said champions have 0 counterplay (and by that I don’t mean hurrdurr trynda no counterplay, I mean actual competitive champions with great laning, scaling, sustain, that are immovable in lane and incredibly strong otherwise, that you can’t beat alone except if they make glaring mistakes), where do you draw the line? When do you realize they’re just overpowered?
While I get that there’s limits to “every champion should be balanced around proplay” because Master Yi having 95% winrate in low elo is a problem, I don’t mind some champions having 45% winrate in normal play because they’re incredibly broken on skilled users.
Aurelion sol is the obvious pick (his E doing the whole map and executing 100%). Now if we remove him, we include gathering storm which is quadratic scaling, all champions become incredibly broken and it’s league of oneshots. Gathering storm outscales all linear scalings, your Sion is getting oneshot. I think Thresh too.
If we include heartsteel which is exponential scaling (yeah I know title isn’t about this but still), it outscales any champion that doesn’t have %max health, scaling with AD or AP. Champions who have % health AD or AP ratios (Gwen, Udyr, Evelynn, Kayn, Fiora, etc) become incredibly broken because they’ll get 100% max health damage. Tahm Kench also gets an infinite AP ratio on Q and deals the most damage in the entire game on neutral monsters.
A few champions also happen to scale resistances infinitely (and since heartsteel is exponential, they go far beyond thresh) with their AD/AP (buffed by titanic or demonic) : Jayce hammer form, Jax under ult, Gwen under mist, which kind of counters %health damage that is not true.
Shojin is capped on cooldown reduction (I’m very sad).
A few champions gain infinite scaling movespeed though (Kayle, Shyvana, maybe I’m missing some)