- You now can stack only 1 item with %pen(not even cleaver with serylda/ldr).
- Lethality is flat across all ranks(like flat pen) so early-midgame class shines actually there, instead of current weird situations with them as scalling pick.
- MR item that gives around 1k magic shield lategame.
- LDR got nerfed.
Well, that’s all. Looking forward for their nerfs.
terminus still exists. is it mutually excusive too? it was’t mentioned afair
LDR being nerfed is so sad
Nooo its so fucking cool finally !
LDR was stronger than mythics…
Yeah tanks had been on a shit state for so long now.
Basically you would survive more than 4 seconds as a frontline past 30 minutes and your damage to kill people was just so high to compensate for that.
Which kinda destroys the whole purpose of being a tank. Tanks were neither fun to play or play against.
Tanks get their OP patch or two out of the way in preseason every year, and looking at the first wave of numbers that looks to be true here too. They obviously haven’t finalized everything so I wouldn’t be surprised if the final shipped items have significantly lower numbers on them. Divine being gone, nerfs to %armor pen, removal of mythic liandry, it feels like those things probably would have already been an indirect tank buff even ignoring the array of MR item buffs.
new liandry is even more effective on some champs as an anti tank item. now it deals 2% per tick
new liandry is even more effective on some champs as an anti tank item. now it deals 2% per tick
Where mr antiheal 😭
Another skilled meta malphite vs Sion. Very good jobs devs. Everyone is enjoying when the easiest and most braindead role is the strongest. Who would want to play fun champions when you can play malphite and rammus 👍
terminus still exists. is it mutually excusive too? it was’t mentioned afair
I can’t wait for people notice how fucking hilariously broken Hallow Radiance is.
For people who are not aware, it’s the MR Sunfire item.
The difference is that it’s supposed to deal less damage then Sunfire (which right now it does an incredible -2 flat), but it has a passive which “Enemies” explode on death dealing Flat + BHP to their surronding.Meaning it affect enemy champions, minions and monsters.
Sound very tame, until you remember that a systematic weakness of the tank class is farming, and riot basically introduced a item that allows Tanks to quick interact with Minions and Monsters.
Gonna be fun seeing champions going from 5.4 cs/min to 7 cs/min in a single patch.
Basically it’s the Shiv version for Tanks.
Sion against full ap team will be peak tank.
Gwen deals %maxhp true damage, iirc.
Maokai/Kench too are going to be immortal
I have ptsd everytime a Tank main is happy with any change. If they’re happy, no one else is.
It’s the only class that the more depressed they are, the better the game is. And it should be kept that way.
I want my hp to ad on a item back :(.
Maybe I’m biased because I play Sion and sometimes Cho Gath and Mundo(technically not a tank just tank item Abuser).