Transporter Room 3

Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.

I’m someone’s favorite.

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023

  • It didn’t help ME with chronic pain, but it does help my wife with her fibromyalgia.

    I’d wager if you are up in weight, and chronic pain is in any of your weight supporting areas (hips, knees, ankles, lower back, etc) then chances are your pain could be weight related.

    My parents are 100% weight related issues, and when I was trying to lose weight in 2013-2015 I tried to get them to do light stuff with me. Walk around the trees behind the house a few times. A couple light calisthenics. Ride some shitty cheap bikes around the park.

    Since then their knees, hips, and ankles are their biggest complaints.

  • Still illegal in many places in the US. I just happen to live in a state that is legal.

    Since I’m close to a state border, I only need to drive about 20 minutes to be somewhere it’s illegal again.

    And if you live in an “at will” state, they can just fire you even if it’s legal.

    Sidenote: “at will” employment is the biggest sack of bullshit that employers convinced people is totally normal.

    Im hopeful that the US, EU, and UK legalize it within the next few years. I’m realistic about the chances, I know how the older generations of politicians are, but I still cross my fingers.

  • Man, seeing a ton of people all experiencing great returns on their hard work just makes me feel even worse for never experiencing any of it beyond the weight loss itself. For literal years. No good feelings, no endorphins, even some of my joints felt worse simply because they were being used more.

    And now the exact same thing two days in a row!

    Its great. I’m fine. This is fine. I’m not jealous or spiteful at all. Have fun working out for me I guess.

  • Personal feelings agead: not based in facts.

    Can we really say a “next generation” console is “in its latter stages of life cycle” when people like me have yet to buy a “next generation” console, and have bought every new game for said console?

    I’m not denying it’s got better specs. People always jump all over that, tripping over themselves to “um ackshyully” about how it really is superior in every way making it a “next generation” but come on… If I can get the same or similar experience on “last generation” then is there really enough difference to call it a different generation?

    Take my sister in law vs my me vs my wife. We are all millenials.

    But SIL is start of the millenials, my wife is tail of the millenials, and I’m sitting around the 3/4 mark. We all had differing experiences growing up based on the years we were on our formative years, but we’re all “the same generation”

    My wife’s best friend is a generation below us, but they have far more in common and should really be considered the same generation, IMO.

    I hope I get my point across clear enough for someone to figure it out…

    It just doesn’t really feel “next generation” to me.

  • Tldr old man yells at clouds for an ideal personalized pirate game

    I want a game that’s a cross between “Sid Meiers’ Pirates! Live the Life” and the pirate portions of Assassin’s Creed Black Flag. With graphics like Black Flag.

    I want to be able to choose and customize my own ship, not be stuck with a Brig like ac4 and I also want to be captaining from the deck, not floating above the action like Pirates! does it.

    I also like the damage model from Sea or Thieves. It’s not a “1hp you’re floating and shooting at 100% and at 0% you explode/immediately sink” it’s a “you’ve been hit, you’re almost definitely taking on water so get to damage control or even if you win you could still lose”

    If ever there was a game that could have utilized the voice control features some consoles tried, it’s a game where you’re captaining a ship and calling out orders.

    Imagine you’re in the middle of a fight against a sloop, and they get off a lucky hit, so you have to call out orders (or hit the corresponding button menus) to get some of your crew on patching the holes, getting your top deck to load up chain shot to take out the sloops sails so you can board and capture it for a nice scouting vessel. And if you want more immersive realism like how some driving games go all out with clutches all the way up to tire/ambient road temperatures you can fiddle with settings to make sure you need to call out all orders or face debuffs in combat. Forgot to call out your orders leading up to firing? Ooh sorry now you need to wait an extra 3 seconds to shoot a full salvo.

    It’s a niche game though, it’d never be able to make the money back that would need to go into it to get all the features running smoothly with each other.

  • Games like that very quickly become “go here scan that defend X so you can make your gear numbers go up”

    I admit I no-lifed Destiny 1 and The Division 1 when they first came out, but nowadays I only play those kind sif games if they’re free to me, and usually not for very long.

    There was a time when “number go up” would give me that dopamine hit my brain desperately craves, but not anymore.

    I did finish TD2 eventually but more because I felt an obligation to finish what I started, than it being a good game…

  • I mean, it’s orbit isn’t exactly a secret from anyone who actually looks at the space for a living, or tracks things in orbit for a living.

    Anything new will be visible, it still is going to reflect light and all the stealth tech in the world can’t (yet) make something invisible to the eye.

    That little dot that keeps zooming above every 90 minutes or so that wasn’t there a week ago is a good candidate…

    Having said that this is not someone who did this for a job. It was a hobbyist. I’ve seen some impressive hobby shops but it’s still a very impressive feat.

    Besides I’m sure if it were launched with spacex, even NK probably already has a full briefing provided by certain a certain rat on everything they knew about the Initial launch.

  • I don’t hate this show for existing like many.

    As Mariner in Crisis Point 2: it’s a starfleet story so it’s worth telling.

    However, I really feel like they wanted to have the “it’s BEFORE almost everything else” cake and also wanting to eat it by having more advanced tech.

    Then they realized their error, shot into the future, but in my opinion EXTREMELY underestimated technological advancement across NEARLY 1000 YEARS. Everything basically looks the same.

    And then a man child had a temper tantrum and destroyed galactic civilization single-handedly. Sure. Okay. Have fun with the rest of the show, but that’s where I turn in for the night.

    It just really seems like they had a premise for a good show, then someone came in and demanded this and that HAS to be in the show, and instead of rewriting to make it good, they just kind of crammed things in to please the higher ups.

    So far I’ve loved SNW though.

  • Linktree, real name somewhere in there, or any kind of mention of where they work, and you can find a surprising amount of things online.

    TLDR: I tracked down some people in a private jet that woke me up and sent them angry emails before trying to sleep again.

    As an example, I was awoken a few months ago by a very loud jet engine. The closest airport is many, many miles away and only for small aircraft. I have insomnia so I cherish every scrap of sleep I get. Being rudely awakened by screeching at 2 in the morning tends to make one feel a bit prickly, so I went to one of the many flight tracking websites, found the flight that flew over me, and that they were low enough that I could have hit them with my drone. Too low for residential areas.

    So in addition to the FAA complaint, I used the publicly available information from the FAA to find the company that owns the small private jet.

    Then googling them I found out it’s a small company, fairly high end aerospace stuff, and there are only a handful of people who would be using that jet (whose landing point was a privately owned strip less than 10 miles from their HQ) and got their email addresses. They actually had personal emails listed next to the company emails.

    So using those emails I got some social medias, figured out there are three people who would have reason to take off from the nearby airport, sent them personal emails as well as CC the work emails for their entire “meet our team” page to request that the next time they feel the need to fly dengerously low over residential areas, do so at a reasonable hour.

    Of course I got the standard auto responses but since I wasnt using my actual email, I didn’t stay long enough for the teams to start waking up and checking emails. I did get the standard reply from the FAA basically saying “we’ll look into it when we have time” and I don’t ever expect to hear about this incident again.

    Now if I could find all that before the plane landed in north Carolina, imagine what someone who isn’t just sleep deprived and pissy, someone who is legitimately insane or wants to cause harm, could do.

    I will readily admit most of the pictures of the team were of older folks, so not as tech savvy which I just figured from the personal emails and overall website layout. So hopefully most people aren’t like this and actually try to separate their professional things from personal things and try to make it more difficult to track them across platforms