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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 10th, 2023


  • WallshingtonBtoHouston Texans@nfl.communitySlowik Offense
    10 months ago

    I disagree with the running the ball. Every time a coach does that, it’s short gains, pass on 3rd and 6 for an incompletion and then punt the ball away. Repeat like 2 more times and suddenly the other team is back in the game. I hate that. Keep doing what got you the lead, keep the pedal on the floor and keep putting points on the board. I’d rather be aggressive and live with the mistakes then be passive and safe and give away our momentum and lead. I don’t blame Slowik for what happened in the 2nd half that much. Those plays are on CJ to make, it’s just a learning lesson from him.

  • this is an odd conclusion to come to if you’re trying to dive into his completion %. Are you watching all of his games? The eye test doesn’t show anything about what you’re saying. I wrote this in another thread regarding his completion percentage which IMO is the major contributing factors for his lower completion %:

    It’s weird because when I watch the game, it doesn’t look like he misses that much but then i check the stats and his completion % is lower than I would think for the game.

    Just based on watching the games and no real investigations into anything, this is my theory on why his completion % is low:

    After the first couple of games, he doesn’t take many sacks so where many QB’s will hold onto the ball a lot and get sacked, he’s very good at reading the pressure and will not hesitate to throw the ball away which is good because it saves the down but throws off his numbers. You see some QB’s who will scramble in the pocket and then instead of throwing it away or trying to make a tight play, they will run out of bounds even if it means taking a 1-2 yard loss. This saves their numbers but worse for the play.

    He doesn’t throw that many check downs/screen passes. Many QB’s have a decent dose of screen passes in their play calling which are easy passes that prop up their completion %. CJ doesn’t do too many of them which is also why his y/a is high. If he threw more screen passes or checked down more, he’d have better % but I personally wouldn’t want that, I’m fine with him the way he is because it shows the coach trusts him to make bigger throws and he knows to throw the ball safely.