The thumbsticks are different, black instead of white. All the button text is more grey instead of white. Bezels around the screen is smaller. Hex screws instead of philips.
The thumbsticks are different, black instead of white. All the button text is more grey instead of white. Bezels around the screen is smaller. Hex screws instead of philips.
Just return it and order a new one, if you wait 30 days I guess your return window expired and dead pixels rarely start working unless you are lucky
Never, that’s one of the best features with the deck that you can just put it to sleep quickly and resume instantly. In some games you get a audio bug but usually it fix itself, other than that it worked every time
Sold it for 290 usd on marketplace, 512 model
Return to Monkey Island, absolutely lovely game
I agree on everything, also the battery life is so much better and then screen feels much bigger even though it’s just 0.4 inches…maybe it’s because of the smaller bezels that make is feel much bigger then it is compared to old SD. The OLED just feels a lot more premium and nice
1TB OLED, Samsung panel and no dead pixels
Had mine since lunch today and so far zero issues, no dead pixels and everything seems to work perfectly
At home on the couch, or when travelling
I live in Sweden, mine is supposed to arrive tomorrow. Ordered about 45 min after release
Mine is supposed to arrive tomorrow, no LE though since I live in Sweden but I’m looking forward to it nevertheless (1TB model)
Huge yes, I almost stopped playing games and now I play a lot since the SD 😃
I think you did the right decision since it sounds like you are not heavily invested in steam and PC gaming. This might be a good unit to try it out and if you like it and need more you can get the OLED or SD2 later on
For e every day that pass it just fell better and better thar I ordered the oled 😃♥️
If you have the money definitely yes, the OLED it’s superior in every single way
Sold it
I sold my old deck and getting the new one, no one knows but if it’s 2 years until a new one comes out I think it’s worth getting the new one for me since it’s my primary PC/console. But it comes down to how much money you have laying around, the old one will be perfectly fine, the oled is more a nice to have
The downside with the SD if he plays a lot of PS5 is that there is usally (ever?) not any cross saves between them so all his progress would be lost. If he plays different games on the PS5 and SD this of course not a problem