First fire JDR, have Ron call the defense. See what that changes.
First fire JDR, have Ron call the defense. See what that changes.
How about this?
Total head coaches since 2000: 149 (127 unique coaches)
Total interim coaching gigs: 44 (39 unique coaches)
Interim coaches who later became a HC: 18
Interim coaches who were promoted to HC: 10 (Romeo Crennel interestingly counts in this category, but not the prior one, since he was a HC, then interim, then promoted HC–and then interim again)
Therefore, total coaching vacancies - 119 (total coaches, minus interim gigs, plus interims promoted to HC)
So, 85.8% of head coaches in the past 23 years were never interim coaches.
Looking at it from the other end, only 8.4% of interim coaching gigs have led to a promotion to full-time HC, and 40.9% of interim coaching gigs were a successful audition to eventually be a HC.
That last number is certainly better than the percentage of coordinator jobs who become HCs, so it’s maybe the best way to audition for a HC job, but by no means a prerequisite. In fact, I bet it’s comparable to the percentage of Assistant Head Coaches who’ve gone on to get HC gigs. And EB already has that title. I’d look it up, but I’m out of time to kill.
I’d love to see a show by the same people in the same world, same rules, but exploring regular life instead of Hollywoo. Since LA insider humor is such a huge part of Bojack (Horseman, the show, obviously), it would be a challenge to not rely on that.
Maybe an Office-style mockumentary, and they can direct that energy toward mocking the mockumentary style.
“I’m sorry, when the cameras are off he never acts like that.”
“Why are you in my bedroom? Get out.”
“Okay, so you want me to comment on what happened this morning like I don’t know yet how it ends? How does that work?”
“I know it makes more sense to go straight to the airport instead of coming to work first, but I thought the crew might like a goodbye scene.”
There’s exactly one uniform in the NFL I hate more, and that’s the Giants’ blue helmet, white shirt, red number, grey pants combo. It looks so mismatched. So when I saw what both teams were wearing, I thought “maybe I don’t want to watch this one.” Should’ve listened.
Let them finish their damn rookie contracts before deciding who’s better. I hope it doesn’t happen because of the human being aspect, but if Carter gets in legal trouble in the offseason, or drops off in year 2 like many rookies have, the conversation looks different.
Chandler. Did something only two people have ever done - QB the Falcons to a NFC Championship.
The offense is trending up, let’s revisit this conversation when we have a complete season of stats to work with.
I historically have liked defensive HCs and CEO types, I loved the Rivera hire at first. But I’ve come around. Whichever side the HC focuses on, the other side is either going to suck or be great, and either way there’s turnover. Offenses benefit most from continuity; whereas it seems defenses can thrive when someone comes in with fresh ideas every few years.
But when you try to get that offensive genius type and there isn’t a good one available, you end up hiring Adam Gase or Josh McDaniels. So I hope they don’t try to force it.
Came here to make this point. Whereas Fields’ wins, rare as they may be, came against a few teams who ended up with winning records. He probably would have won the 6 games his backup won. Maybe even one more.
Which is still awful.
I guess I’m in the minority? There’s a limit to “don’t do that, you might get hurt!!!” It’s football.
I’m not saying I want a 210 lb. QB trying to body up a linebacker with a full head of steam, but I also don’t want him to stand by and do nothing. Try to alter his path and slow him down at least. Tug on an arm if you can. Give your teammates a better chance to catch him.
Yeah, I’d say wait until the 2024 trading deadline to see his trade value. And if we’re playoff contenders with a new HC, and a solid draft class, obviously we don’t trade him.