You are a monster. I could never kill any of them. They were to adorable.
You are a monster. I could never kill any of them. They were to adorable.
No idea I played it by myself. I wasn’t expecting to like it so I didn’t ask anyone.
I played with keyboard and mouse. I can’t speak to controller but mouse was pretty tight and I could remap my buttons. About all I could ask for on that.
Hades is a good one for short gaming sessions.
Firewatch I think you can finish around 5 hours
Human fall flat is a lot of fun a couple levels at a time.
Orcs must die 1&2 are good.
Superhot is also amazing. It’s broken up in levels with good replay ability.
Just cause 3. No thinking needed. Just fly around blowing up stuff.
Almost always. I usually have YouTube or Netflix on my second monitor.
Anti cheat. AvP was amazing multiplayer except how easy it was to cheat.
My favorite mode was 1 alien vs everyone else marines. When a Marine died they became an alien. I don’t remember the mode name but it was so much fun till someone came in cheating.
Zelda taught me to fear chickens.
Zelda taught me to fear chickens.
I’ll be the good guy here and take the Medi Gun from TF2. I’ll go around healing people.
Hello neighbor is pretty low on the scary side.
Black & White, Soul Reaver, Eternal Darkness, a boy and his blob.
Greatest game ever. So much time building turrets and building shields. I loved playing engineer for the team. I wish we could get a new one of this game.
I’d hit the button as many time as I could before it got taken away. Delete CoD and all the sports games. Same for GTA. Milked worse than fast & furious franchise.
Bg3 is good. I got around 130hr from one play through. Could easily get a few more runs out of it. If you want to get frugal and the most games for the buck. If your on pc I assume. Xbox game pass is like 10 dollars a month. So the price of bg3 you could get a bunch of games for about 6 months.
Bg3 is absolutely worth it if you are really set on it. Game pass is just a really good deal too.
Brutal legends. How can you beat jack black.
Actually. Baldurs gate 3. I have three songs from the game on my playlists. I can’t think of another game where characters sang songs I want outside the game.
I would say let them try it and watch it flop. But there are so many people that throw money at micro transactions that it would probably end up working.
They added monkey island adventure to sea of thieves. It’s pretty good from what I’ve played of it.
Sea of thieves is pretty great. It’s multiplayer but they are adding solo to it next month. The multiplayer side can be pretty harsh if you want to just enjoy a pirate game I’d say try it next month. It is really a great game until you run into some toxic ones that are just out to harass.
Kotor 1 you could not level up until you become a Jedi then you get extra Jedi levels. You just have to survive the first planet. But then you’re a bit of a super Jedi, at least compared to what the developers expected.